You Otter Know

Everyone’s favorite cute, cuddly critter is, well…not. Otters are actually terrifying apex predators,  dominating the food chains of our river ecosystems. But they’re also in trouble. Global populations have dropped, and in Argentina, the fate of the world’s largest otter rests in the hands – er, paws – of two former captives.


Kate Morgan is a journalist whose work has appeared in the New York Times, The Washington Post, SIERRA, Popular Science and many other publications.

Grace Yoxon is the co-founder and Director of the International Otter Survival Fund. For over 30 years she has been working with communities around the world to educate, inform and encourage the protection and conservation of Otters.

Sebastian DiMartino is an Argentinian biologist and the conservation director of RewildingArgentina where he oversees the reintroduction of species and environmental restoration.

Support These Great Organizations

Rewilding Argentina is a foundation created to confront and reverse the crisis of species extinction and the resulting environmental degradation, to restore the healthy functioning of ecosystems and to promote the well-being of local communities.

Tompkins Conservation has been working for nearly three decades to create parklands, protect and restore wildlife, promote regenerative agriculture, and prove that national parks are economic drivers for local communities in Chile and Argentina.

The International Otter Survival Fund (IOSF) is one of the world’s leading otter charities, dedicated to the conservation, protection and care of otters. IOSF was set up to protect and help the 13 species of otter worldwide through a combination of compassion and science. We support projects to protect otters, which will also ensure that we have a healthy environment for all species.

Have a video or story you want us to consider for a future episode, or any questions or comments?

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Production Credits

This episode of the Roaring Earth podcast was written and produced by Kate Morgan. Casey O’Brien was the associate producer. Sound engineering and original music was provided by Joe Bussiere. Jan Renner and Glen Hoffman are the executive producers.