• Strange Octopus with Ear-Like Fins Is Deepest-Living Octopus Known

    The Dumbo Octopus is the deepest-dwelling of all octopus species. They hover just above the seafloor at extreme depths mostly throughout the Pacific and in this case, the Caribbean. This octopus, also known as Grimpoteuthis, gained the nickname “Dumbo” because of its ear-like fins that flap and allow the octopus to maneuver. These amazing octopods […]

  • Alien DNA? Octopus Genome is More Complex Than Any Other Animal

    After extensive research, scientists have concluded that octopus DNA is surprisingly out of this world. While the researchers aren’t suggesting that cephalopods are actually from another planet, they do say that what they’ve found has never been seen in any other animal species on earth. The study found that while humans have an estimated 20,500 […]

  • This Octopus Kills Every Shark That Enters Its Aquarium

    This octopus isn’t messing around. The incredible footage below shows a giant Pacific octopus successfully attacking and killing an unsuspecting spiny dogfish shark at an aquarium in Seattle. Octopuses are generally prey to these sharks, but this octopus wasn’t having any of that. The murderous cephalopod had been sharing an aquarium with several dogfish sharks […]

  • Octopus Pursues and Captures Crab [VIDEO]

    Well, that’s not something you see everyday. A video of a crab in hot pursuit of a — we must say, tenacious crab — surfaced recently. The clip shows a large octopus circling a frantic crab at the water’s surface, repeatedly reaching its arms out to snag it. The agile crab manages to escape the […]

  • Giant Octopus Devours Jellyfish and Keeps the Tentacles

    A rare and mysterious octopus was recently filmed with prey for the first time ever, and it turns out it eats jellyfish. The giant octopus, named Haliprhon atlanticus, was spotted carrying an egg-yolk jellyfish in its mouth while taking care to let the toxic tentacles hang free. Researchers think the cephalopod might have been strategically […]

  • VIDEO: Octopus Walks with a Coconut Across Ocean Floor

    This amazing footage shows an octopus engaging in a remarkably human-like walk. This unique octopus does something several other deep sea creatures in its environment can be observed doing: carrying the shells of coconuts and other paraphernalia as they “walk” about the ocean floor. Amusing and bizarre as this behavior may seem, it turns out […]

  • Octopus Catches and Drowns a Seagull

    Before we had cameras, satellites, scuba gear, submarines, the internet, and a plethora of other modern amenities, sailors at sea worried about more than just seasickness and rogue waves. Throughout history, we have told tales of enormous sea monsters lurking in the deepest reaches of the ocean, and none are more captivating than the tentacled […]

  • Incredible Footage: 1,000+ Octopus Moms Found Brooding in Deep Sea

    Researchers recently happened upon an unprecedented sighting — more than 1,000 female octopuses huddled close together in what they describe as an “octopus garden” two miles beneath the waves in the Pacific. The team was exploring the Southeast Davidson Seamount off the coast of California with Explorer Vessel Nautilus when they came across the incredible […]

  • This Octopus Kills Every Shark That Comes Into its Aquarium (VIDEO)


    This octopus isn’t messing around. The incredible footage below shows a giant Pacific octopus successfully attacking and killing an unsuspecting spiny dogfish shark. Octopuses are generally prey to these sharks, but this octopus wasn’t having any of that. The murderous cephalopod had been sharing an aquarium with several dogfish sharks until staff kept finding the […]

  • Color-Changing Octopus Is Completely Colorblind

    Researchers have just confirmed that while cephalopods (octopus, cuttlefish and squid) are experts at camouflaging themselves, they’re completely colorblind. Professor Justin Marshall and Dr Wen-Sung Chung of the Queensland Brain Institute studied octopus and cuttlefish retinas extensively to make the determination. Their findings were published in The Royal Society. Professor Marshall said, “These engaging and charismatic animals can display […]

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