Meet the Liger: Half Lion, Half Tiger and the World’s Largest Feline
It’s the largest feline in the world, and it probably shouldn’t even exist…
It’s the largest feline in the world, and it probably shouldn’t even exist…
An unlikely friendship in Florida when a manatee was spotted swimming and playing with a group of dolphins… More
This bonobo named “Kanzi” can start a fire and cook food on his own. Kanzi is a thirty-five year old bonobo (a cousin to the common chimpanzee). He was born in captivity and is currently a resident at the Ape Cognition and Conservation Initiative in Des Moines, Iowa. The center is focused on research and conservation […] More
Incredible footage captures the moment a killer whale stuns a stingray with a powerful tail-slap. Orca slaps a Pelagic Stingray byu/Dacnis inHardcoreNature The rare footage was filmed off the coast of Mexico. The stingray eventually died, but interestingly, was never eaten by the orcas. Orcas are known to use this tail-slap technique to protect themselves […] More
The Alligator Gar is one of the largest freshwater fish in North America, as well of one of the most legendary — with anecdotal stories circulating of monster gars measuring over 15 feet long. More
A buffalo smashed into a safari vehicle during a desperate attempt to flee from some hungry lions, and it was captured on video. A group of safari-goers were on tour observing a pride of lions when a buffalo sprinted out onto the road with a lioness in tow. Two other lions then appear, surrounding the […] More
Humans have destroyed countless wildlife populations; overhunting, habitat encroachment, and farming are just a few of the ways we’ve brought species to the brink of extinction. But there is hope. Conservation efforts to save these animals do work when enough of us come together to help. Restore your faith in humanity by joining us for some of […] More
Visitors at the Fuyang Wildlife Park in China got to witness an amazing moment when a crane became trapped in a tiger enclosure. At first, the odds seemed bleak for the crane, as the two tigers charged towards the bird and prepared for an easy meal. The crane, however, decided enough was enough, and an […] More
Meet Machli, one of the world’s most impressive and well-known tigresses. Given the titles Queen Mother of Tigers, Tigress Queen of Ranthambore, and Crocodile Killer, this female was considered to be India’s most famous tiger, and was the oldest living wild tigress at the time of her death. Her claims to fame included taking down […] More