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  • Crocodile Attacks Elephant

    Given their sheer size and strength, elephants typically strike fear into the hearts of most other animals. But sometimes even they have to be cautious — as trouble can come from the most unexpected places. This video captures two separate, but rare encounters when a family of elephants is attacked by a massive lurking crocodile while […] More

  • Elephant Charges Cops & Wild Dogs

    Usually authority is pretty well defined — unless you’re the police encountering an angry elephant in Africa.  Here we see the moment a police officer out in the bush is tested when he comes across pack of Wild African dogs. These hypercarnivores are highly social animals, preferring to live in large packs in order to increase […] More

  • Elephant vs. 14 Lions: Elephant Survives Epic Attack

    This is the amazing moment a pride of 14 lions attempts to take down a young elephant who had been separated from the rest of the herd. The video, which was captured at South Luangwa National Park in Zambia, shows the calf completely surrounded by the lions. As the big cats began leaping onto its […] More

  • Great White Shark Leaps Out of Water in Spectacular Attack on Seal

    This rare footage shows a massive Great White Shark fully airborne out of the water in an epic attack on an unsuspecting young seal. The footage was captured from a boat of Taiwanese tourists on a tour led by Dive Experts Tour-guide and renowned photographer Rainer Shimpf. These guides have good reason for taking tourists […] More

  • Elephant Calf Hit By Car: Watch Elephant Family’s Powerful Emotional Reaction

    This heart-wrenching footage shows a mother attempting to bring her calf to its feet after it was struck by a speeding motorist. Sixty-six year old Heidi Haas was on safari in Hwange National Park when she witnessed the distressing encounter. Haas relayed the series of events to Latest Sightings: “With tearful eyes, I had to […] More

  • Supersized Animals

    These extraordinary animals are unusually gigantic. WATCH MORE: Giant Otters vs. Caiman More

  • This Creature Saves Millions Of Lives Annually (And Probably Already Saved Yours)

    This peculiar creature, the horseshoe crab, saves lives every single day (and has probably already saved yours)! Image: Pixabay Horseshoe crabs are somewhat primitive-looking marine invertebrates with a tough external skeleton. They thrive in shallow ocean waters and will come to shore periodically to mate. You’ve probably seen one if you frequent the beaches of the US East […] More

  • Killer Whale Slides Onto Beach To Capture Seal

    This powerful Orca demonstrates its amazing ability to surf the wave right onto the beach, nearly stranding itself on land in order to capture a baby seal. This particular beaching style of hunting often requires years of practice. Beaching can be very risky and possibly fatal for the cetacean if it gets too far onto the […] More

  • Large Hammerhead Shark on Beach Rescued

    Generally when you see a giant shark swimming towards you, the last thing you want to do is jump in the water. However, when these guys saw an injured ten foot long hammerhead shark floundering near this Florida beach, they jumped into action. Surrounded by beach-goers with cameras in hand, these folks quickly worked to […] More

  • Leopard vs. Leopard vs. Hyenas: Fight Over Food

    Field guide at Nkorho Bush lodge, Chene Wales-Baillie (27), was able to give her guests more of a surprise than even she bargained for when out on an evening drive in the Northern Sabi Sands. She explained her story: “I heard on the radio that Tiyani (the one female who was up the tree with […] More

  • Buffaloes Stop Male Lions From Killing Another Lion

    This is the intense moment 3 huge male lions began attacking a lone male, when the calls of distress from the lone lion attracts a nearby herd of buffalo. The herd storms in to the action, causing the attacking lions to flee. But the luck of the lone lion goes worse when the buffaloes attack […] More

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