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  • The Biggest Crocodiles Ever

    Crocodiles are some of the most impressive predators in existence, and we’ve located the largest ever recorded. The people of Niger River were losing people rapidly. They called in the army-which shot this crocodile. Crocodiles are sizable aquatic reptiles that thrive in tropical regions worldwide. These animals can be distinguished from alligators by their V-shaped […] More

  • Wolf Spider vs. Spider Wasp

    Laying only a single egg, the spider wasp has a brutal method to ensure its young have a high chance of survival. With a striking red thorax, the spider wasp gains its name from paralyzing arachnids with its large stinger. The spider is then dragged into the wasp’s nest, where it will lay one egg […] More

  • The Deadliest Freshwater Fish

    The ocean is teeming with deadly fish, from sharks to stonefish, and you’re probably quite aware of these dangers whenever we go to the beach. However, you’re probably not as aware of the toothy fish that lurk in rivers and lakes around the world, unless you’ve ever watched the bizarre critters Jeremy Wade pulls out […] More

  • Shark vs. Shark: Tiger Shark Attacks Hammerhead

    This is the amazing moment a group of fishermen recorded a massive tiger shark attacking and devouring a hammerhead shark. It appears that the hammerhead may have been caught on a line, giving the tiger shark a clear advantage. The video reveals what could be a 14 foot long tiger shark circling a smaller shark […] More

  • Lions Mess With The Wrong Mongoose

    This fearless mongoose held his ground against a curious pride of lions. Just listen to him growl! Despite being under two feet tall, the aggressive mongoose growled at the felines and even bit one on the nose. The shocking encounter was documented in 2011 but has just been released. The confrontation was filmed at Masaai […] More

  • Crocodile Attacks Elephant

    Given their sheer size and strength, elephants typically strike fear into the hearts of most other animals. But sometimes even they have to be cautious — as trouble can come from the most unexpected places. This video captures two separate, but rare encounters when a family of elephants is attacked by a massive lurking crocodile while […] More

  • Elephant Charges Cops & Wild Dogs

    Usually authority is pretty well defined — unless you’re the police encountering an angry elephant in Africa.  Here we see the moment a police officer out in the bush is tested when he comes across pack of Wild African dogs. These hypercarnivores are highly social animals, preferring to live in large packs in order to increase […] More

  • Elephant vs. 14 Lions: Elephant Survives Epic Attack

    This is the amazing moment a pride of 14 lions attempts to take down a young elephant who had been separated from the rest of the herd. The video, which was captured at South Luangwa National Park in Zambia, shows the calf completely surrounded by the lions. As the big cats began leaping onto its […] More

  • Great White Shark Leaps Out of Water in Spectacular Attack on Seal

    This rare footage shows a massive Great White Shark fully airborne out of the water in an epic attack on an unsuspecting young seal. The footage was captured from a boat of Taiwanese tourists on a tour led by Dive Experts Tour-guide and renowned photographer Rainer Shimpf. These guides have good reason for taking tourists […] More

  • Elephant Calf Hit By Car: Watch Elephant Family’s Powerful Emotional Reaction

    This heart-wrenching footage shows a mother attempting to bring her calf to its feet after it was struck by a speeding motorist. Sixty-six year old Heidi Haas was on safari in Hwange National Park when she witnessed the distressing encounter. Haas relayed the series of events to Latest Sightings: “With tearful eyes, I had to […] More

  • Supersized Animals

    These extraordinary animals are unusually gigantic. WATCH MORE: Giant Otters vs. Caiman More

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