Wolves Greet Woman As One of Their Pack

Fool4myCanon, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Wolves have been a longstanding villain in mythology and folklore. They’ve blow down pigs’ houses; they’ve eaten helpless senior citizens; and they’ve even been sons of the nefarious Norse god, Loki. Hell, they’ve even taken on Liam Neeson. When you see a wolf, you’re expected to run.

So what happens when you don’t run? What happens when you socialize with wolves for two years, leave for two months, and then, return to your “pack”?

Well, this amazing video shows exactly what happens. Here, a woman known only as Anita is greeted by her pack of gray wolves upon her return to Polar Park, and the wolves couldn’t be more dog-like. They cry and whine in joy just like dogs who are excited to see their owners return after hours/days/weeks/months.

However, you must remember: despite appearing very friendly and dog-like in the video below, wolves are still very dangerous animals, and regardless of the environment in which they’re raised, they will maintain their primal instincts.


If you watch carefully, Anita opens her mouth and allows the wolves to lick her teeth. That’s because wolves greet each other by licking other wolves’ teeth.

If she rejected the wolves’ advances, they would bite her face as a way of saying, “Come back here; I’m trying to talk to you”

Here’s another video more recently posted showing how one person greets wolves:

Wolves are powerful predators capable of taking down large animals. Case in point: click here to watch a video of a pack of wolves taking on a bison.