Orca With Heart Shaped Mark Caught on Camera by Roaring Earth Staff July 12, 2024, 3:52 pm This killer whale was spotted with an usual heart-shaped marking! An underwater photographer snapped a stunning series of images that show an orca with a perfect heart-shaped marking on its back. Andy Schmid, from Zurich, Switzerland, spotted the orca with the heart-shaped saddle patch in Skjverøy, Norway. He says that the whale came swimming towards him, after feasting on some herring, before showing off this beautiful love heart-shaped marking. Andy added: “The orca slapped a few herring with his fluke and then turned right in front of me, presenting his perfectly heart-shaped saddle patch for a brief moment.” “Wildlife photography is mostly opportunistic, especially underwater, meaning that as an underwater photographer, I try to capture whatever presents itself in front of me.” The photographer Andy takes a selfie after the incredible encounter. Image: Andy Schmid / Caters News Image: Andy Schmid / Caters News More Stories Komodo Dragon vs. Water Buffalo A Wild Lynx and a Cameraman Develop an Amazing Relationship [Video] Wolverine Walks By Biker, Carrying Goat Head