What would you do if a 1,000 pound leopard seal attempted to feed you dead penguins?
While it sounds highly improbable, this actually happened to a National Geographic photographer while on assignment in Antarctica. Scroll down to watch…
Paul Nicklen, a seasoned underwater photographer, wanted to capture seemingly vicious leopard seals in a different light. These animals are excellent hunters and have a bit of a bad reputation. He explained, “I wanted to give this animal a fair shake. I wanted to go down to Antarctica and get in the water with as many leopard seals as I could, just to try and understand them.”
When he arrived on location, the first leopard seal he encountered was an enormous female who was barreling through the water ripping a penguin apart. As she continued hunting, she rammed the penguin into the hull of their boat, nearly tipping them over.
Paul’s first glimpse of the leopard seal he was about to swim with
It took a bit of convincing from his guide, but Paul eventually (bravely!) hopped into the water.
The first thing the enormous seal did was swim over to him and put his entire camera in her mouth.
After that, he says, she calmed down and began studying him with curiosity. She then swam away for a short time, and Paul thought their encounter was over. However, only a few moments later, she reappeared and presented him with a penguin.

Initially she brought him live penguins, but after noticing that he wasn’t killing or eating them, she started killing the birds herself to see if that would help…

Frustrated that he still didn’t get the hint, she started setting the penguins right on top of his head.
We can’t believe he was able to capture photos of the entire experience.
Listen to Paul tell the incredible story here: