In this video submitted to Kruger Sightings, an elephant mother and its calf — still in its first few months of life — walks out of the bush and into the roadway near Malelane in Kruger National Park in South Africa. It’s clearly not the mother’s first rodeo and she is pretty unbothered by the tourists, their truck and their clicking cameras.
She is ready to just cross the street and move on with her day, but the young calf clearly has other ideas.
At first it slowly approaches the truck. Then, as if sensing its mothers trunk coming in, starts to move a bit quicker to check out this strange new thing. But of course, mother elephant comes in and wrangles the youngster in with its trunk like a net. The calf struggles for a bit, but soon gives up and chases after its mother as she continues across the street to the other side.
This is surely just the beginning of the many lessons this young, inquisitive elephant calf will learn in its life.
Watch the entire video below: