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  • Fearless Lion Confronts Crocodile

    Lions truly are the kings of the savanna. This male had no hesitation taking on a sizable croc along the water’s edge. With tiny cubs in tow, the lion warns the reptile not to mess with his brood. He then bravely walks over to the reptile and begins repeatedly swatting it over the head with […] More

  • Eagle vs. Cobra

    A brown snake eagle made a daring attempt to make a meal out of a venomous snouted cobra in this rarely filmed encounter. Brown snake eagles will often prey upon snakes, but they are not immune to the potentially fatal venom that a cobra like this possesses. If the snake is able to strike the […] More

  • Lion Surprises Leopard

    Does this footage feel familiar to anyone with a house cat? Apparently, even big cats like to sneak up on and startle others for no obvious reason. This colossal male lion spotted a snoozing leopard from afar and decided it might be worthwhile to scare him — likely as a display of dominance. Matthew Poole, […] More

  • Lioness Sneaks Up On Lion

    Even big cats pull pranks on occasion. Do you like to prank people? Now, we’re not talking about those extreme YouTube videos where some schmuck assaults/harasses complete strangers and later says, “It’s just a prank, bro”, as if everything is just fine. We’re talking about pulling harmless pranks on your friends and/or family. If you […] More

  • Hippos ‘Rescue’ Wildebeest from Crocodile

    A group of wildebeest drinking at a waterhole got quite the surprise when, out of nowhere, a crocodile emerged from the water looking for a snack. The incredible footage was captured on a safari with Chasin’ Africa in South Africa’s Kruger National Park. The surprising interaction demonstrates just how close danger always seems to be for animals in […] More

  • Tiger vs. Bear: Mother Bear Protects Cub from Tiger

    Tigers are ferocious predators whose sheer size often allows them to dominate their enemies. But an intense battle between this Bengal tiger and sloth bear ended in a surprising victory for the bear, proving that fearless defiance can get you far in the animal world. The bear and her cub had approached a watering hole […] More

  • Largest Great White Shark Ever Filmed

    Meet “Deep Blue,” the largest shark ever filmed. The awe-inspiring beast was first discovered in 2014, when she was documented by researcher Mauricio Hoyos Padilla off of Mexico’s Guadalupe Island for Shark Week. The 50-year-old female was heavily pregnant at the time and measured a whopping 20 feet in length. Later, she was spotted feeding […] More

  • Hippos Attack Crocodile

    This unlucky crocodile found himself in quite an unusual predicament. Despite its reputation as one of the fiercest predators in Africa, the reptile was nearly killed after it ventured a bit too close to dozens of aggressive hippos. Likely thinking the reptile posed a threat to their young, the adult hippos came together to defend […] More

  • This Octopus Kills Every Shark That Enters Its Aquarium

    This octopus isn’t messing around. The incredible footage below shows a giant Pacific octopus successfully attacking and killing an unsuspecting spiny dogfish shark at an aquarium in Seattle. Octopuses are generally prey to these sharks, but this octopus wasn’t having any of that. The murderous cephalopod had been sharing an aquarium with several dogfish sharks […] More

  • This Bonobo Starts Fires And Cooks His Own Food

    This bonobo named “Kanzi” can start a fire and cook food on his own. Kanzi is a thirty-eight year old bonobo (a cousin to the common chimpanzee). He was born in captivity and is currently a resident at the Ape Cognition and Conservation Initiative in Des Moines, Iowa.  The center is focused on research and conservation […] More

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