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  • Eagle Takes Down Super-Venomous Snake

    Sea snakes are unbelievably venomous. Some of the most venomous snakes are swimmers, although they actually rarely bite humans due to their docile nature. This knowledge goes out the window when you glimpse one: having seen one myself whilst scuba diving in Thailand, the sight of it swimming around was enough to get the adrenaline pumping […] More

  • Killer Whales Attack Blue Whale [Rare Drone Footage]

    A pod of killer whales were filmed harassing a blue whale in some amazing footage shot by a drone. Killer whales harass Blue Whale The rare sighting occurred near Monetery Bay, California. Researchers who saw the encounter said the coordinated attack was likely just for fun and not an actual hunt. Orcas are known to […] More

  • Surprise Attack: Leopard Appears Out of Nowhere

    Leopards are the reigning master of the surprise attack, and this is why. An amazing video posted by Kruger Sightings shows the intense moment that a leopard seemingly materializes out of nowhere, and instantly goes to full on leap-attack in the air – in pursuit of a quick meal. The Guinea Fowl couldn’t have seen […] More

  • Mother Elephant Protects Calf From Tourists

    For an elephant calf, everything is new and interesting and needs to be investigated. That includes a truckload of tourists. Enter the mother elephant. In this video submitted to Kruger Sightings, an elephant mother and its calf — still in its first few months of life — walks out of the bush and into the […] More

  • Sea Turtle Attacks Tiger Shark

    Tiger sharks are among the largest and most dangerous fish in the ocean, and they can grow up to 18 feet (5.5 meters) long and weigh up to 3,360 pounds (1,524 kilograms). They have a reputation for eating anything (literally), and their jaws are packed with hundreds of razor sharp teeth that can slice through […] More

  • Humans Are Banned From This Deadly Snake-Infested Island in Brazil

    There’s an island off the southeastern coast of Brazil so dangerous that the country has made it illegal to step foot on it. Twenty-five miles from the mainland sits Ilha da Queimada Grande, an island overflowing with deadly pit vipers known as golden lanceheads (Bothrops insularis). The critically-endangered vipers, which aren’t found anywhere else, are […] More

  • These Spiders Attack with World’s Fastest Spin

    Best of luck to any insect trying to sneak past this spider. This eight-legged predator will have its meal in the blink of an eye. Actually, less. According to a study in the Journal of Experimental Biology, “flattie spiders” from the family Selenopidae can use their long legs to spin around nearly three times faster than the human eye can […] More

  • Lion Cubs Meet Their Dad For The First Time

    This looks like a scene straight out of The Lion King (before it got sad). In the adorable footage below, lion cub triplets at the Oregon Zoo’s Predators of the Serengeti Habitat were captured playing outside with their dad Zawadi Mungu for the first time. Video: When a lioness is pregnant, she goes off alone to […] More

  • Scallops See With 200 Mirrored Eyes

    Scallops may seem like pretty uninteresting creatures — except for the hundreds of eyes imbedded amongst tentacles along the edge of their shells. Scientists have long wondered about the secret behind a scallop’s sight. LiveScience reports that Michael Land first discovered the mirrors at the back of scallop’s eyes and that they projected images onto […] More

  • Meet the Colossal Bird-Sized Hissing Moth

    This giant moth boasts five-inch wings, a humongous body, and when agitated, it is capable of producing a loud hissing noise to scare off its enemies. The privet hawkmoth (Sphinx ligustri) is an strange creature endemic to the northern half of the eastern hemisphere including much of Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Although they inhabit large woodland […] More

  • An Intellectually Stimulating Childhood Makes Jumping Spiders Smarter

    Jumping spiders, with their giant, shiny eyes, staccato movements, and stumpy bodies, are among the most charismatic arachnids out there. But all that charisma can’t erase the sense of alienness these spiders give off — perhaps an inevitable side-effect of the hundreds of millions of years of evolution separating them from humans. Now, new research suggests […] More

  • Rare Moment Buck Sheds Antlers Caught On Camera

    Antlers have been considered prized possessions by hunters for centuries. But to deer and others in the Cervidea family, antlers are merely seasonal decorations used to seek a mate and defend against competition. That’s why deer shed their antlers each year, as we see captured here in the trail cam video below. While it’s shocking […] More

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