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  • Sea Turtle Attacks Tiger Shark

    Tiger sharks are among the largest and most dangerous fish in the ocean, and they can grow up to 18 feet (5.5 meters) long and weigh up to 3,360 pounds (1,524 kilograms). They have a reputation for eating anything (literally), and their jaws are packed with hundreds of razor sharp teeth that can slice through […] More

  • Hippos ‘Rescue’ Wildebeest from Crocodile

    A group of wildebeest drinking at a waterhole got quite the surprise when, out of nowhere, a crocodile emerged from the water looking for a snack. The incredible footage was captured on a safari with Chasin’ Africa in South Africa’s Kruger National Park. The surprising interaction demonstrates just how close danger always seems to be for animals in […] More

  • Massive Saltwater Crocodile Attacks Freshwater Crocodile

    You’ve heard that it can be a dog-eat-dog world, but looks like we can call it a croc-eat-croc world too. Incredible footage captures the moment a saltwater crocodile chomps down on a freshwater crocodile. The amazing sighting was caught on camera from a helicopter in northwestern Australia by tour guide Lynden James and posted to […] More

  • Cheetah Chases Impala Antelope Into Tourist’s Car

    An impala was in a full out sprint attempting to escape a cheetah when it appeared to jump feet first straight into a safari-goers vehicle. Obviously, the impala didn’t plan this; the animal saw the car at the last minute and was likely trying to leap over it. Instead, into the window it went. Antelope […] More

  • Wolf Pack Hunts a Hare [VIDEO]

    Amazing footage captured in the Arctic shows a pack of wolves intensely pursuing an exceptionally agile and determined hare. The pack has a litter of pups to feed, and they’re not giving up easily. Two wolves in the pack embark on the nail-biting chase, sprinting after the hare at lightning speed. Adult hares are extremely […] More

  • Rare Footage of Snow Leopard’s Territorial Call (LISTEN!)

    Extremely rare footage of a snow leopard marking his territory and calling loudly has been shared online recently. The cat was spotted on a nature trail in the Khaplu Valley of Baltistan in the Himalayas. The extraordinary video was taken in February of this year via remote high-definition cameras set up to monitor these elusive […] More

  • VIDEO: Lion Steals from Vultures that Stole from Cheetah

    Incredible footage captures the moment a cheetah, a flock of vultures, and eventually a lion clashing over the same catch. The cheetah had taken down an impala, and we see it begin eating its kill when the vultures arrive. After a short time, the cheetah gets scared away, and at first it is unclear why. […] More

  • Eagle & 2 Jackals Hunt the Same Buck [VIDEO]

    Incredible footage captures the moment an eagle and two jackals were filmed hunting the same antelope. The footage shows the massive eagle swooping down on the buck while jackals later are seen in hot pursuit. Watch: 33-year-old field guide, Shaun Etsebeth caught this incredible chase on video during a safari in Kruger National Park, South […] More

  • Honey Badger vs. Python vs. Jackal

    An epic battle between a honey badger, a python, and a pair of jackals was caught on camera, ending with an unexpected twist. The amazing footage was captured by Roselyne Kerjosse while on safari in Chobe Park, Botswana. The honey badger appeared in danger at the outset, with the python wrapping its body around its […] More

  • Giant Hammerhead Sharks Hunting Blacktip Sharks

    It’s a shark-eat-shark-world! In amazing footage shot with a drone, massive hammerhead sharks can be seen hunting a frenzy of blacktip sharks. Each year, large hammerhead sharks migrate near the beaches of Florida in search of blacktip sharks. These 6 ft long blacktip sharks are the perfect prey for the massive hammerheads, with some measuring […] More

  • Watch This Alligator Climb a Fence Like a Ninja

    This alligator shows great skill with its acrobatic fence-climbing abilities. Forget Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – this is how alligators do it! In the video below we see a large gator climbing over a fence at Naval Air Station in Jacksonville, Florida. Watch: Despite lacking the morphological adaptations for climbing trees, various crocodilians have been […] More

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