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  • Hippo vs. Wild Dogs: Stand-Off at Watering Hole

    Hippos are well-known for their unpredictable and aggressive nature — these guys kill an estimated 3,000 people every year. What you may not know is that the colossal herbivores are extremely territorial, especially when predators invade their turf. Most predators know not to mess with a full grown hippo; in general, only a pride of […] More

  • Giant Predatorial Whale: The Leviathan

    While giant snakes and terror birds appeared on land after the extinction of the dinosaurs, a group of mammals returned to the sea and evolved into what are now known as whales. Today, we generally think of whales as gentle giants, but for a few million years, whales were anything but gentle. Livyatan melvillei was […] More

  • Serval vs. Puff Adder: Fight in Middle of the Road

    This tenacious serval was filmed bravely taking on a puff adder, a highly aggressive and venomous species of snake found only in Africa. The big cat was brave to take on this species of snake; puff adders are responsible for the most snakebite fatalities in Africa. Servals are medium-sized, slender wildcats found only in Africa. […] More

  • Jaguar Dives to Catch Caiman

    During a journey through the Pantanal region of Brazil, a tourist managed to capture this amazing footage of a large Jaguar stalking a caiman along the river bank. The Jaguar suddenly dives into the river… only to come out of the water with an amazing catch. The feline emerges from the water with its prize […] More

  • Wild Dogs Slap Hyenas Around

    Few predator-predator relationships are more engaging than the conflict between spotted hyenas and African wild dogs. Merrell Foote (56), a corporate communications and public relations professional living in Saudi Arabia, captured this unique footage during her Kirkmans Kamp game drive in Sabi Sands Game Reserve. She explained: “We could hear eerie cries of hyenas before […] More

  • Meet the Ghost Mantis

    It’s a branch! It’s a leaf! Nope, it’s a ghost mantis. Appearances can be deceiving in the animal world, where creatures of all shapes and sizes have evolved various methods to evade their enemies by blending in with their surroundings. This small species of mantis from Africa has an excellent camouflage technique — it is […] More

  • Rhino vs. Wild Dogs

    This lone black rhino didn’t want anything to do with a large pack of wild dogs. Apparently wanting the watering hole all to herself, she fearlessly chased them off on her own. She makes it look relatively easy, but African wild dogs are a force to be reckoned with — In fact, they’re one of […] More

  • Shark Charges Diver while Spearfishing

    Roaring Earth videographers have captured an amazing encounter with one of the most efficient apex predators within the ocean’s ecological ecosystem — the blacktip reef shark. Blacktip reef sharks are the most plentiful of all the reef sharks that inhabit the tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific oceans. Others include the Caribbean reef shark and the grey reef […] More

  • Gator Tussle: Alligator vs. Alligator Battle in Florida

    These two alligators were spotted attacking each other in a vicious struggle for supremacy. The battle was filmed in Clearwater, FL. The broadcast for this fight was cut short when the gators splashed into the water. This kind of behavior is common for alligators. Predatory reptilians such as alligators and crocodiles will often engage in […] More

  • Giant Anaconda Attacks And Swallows Caiman

    When these two amazing predators meet in the water, only one will survive. This video captures the incredible moment when a giant anaconda surprises an unsuspecting caiman. Anacondas typically hunt in the evenings and at night, when they can lurk undetected at the bottom of swamps and rivers waiting for prey to swim by. When […] More

  • Weirdest Creatures Filmed Beneath Oil Rigs

    Oil rigs are enormous platforms that extend to thousands of feet beneath the sea, and their deep-stretching legs are constantly monitored by cameras and ROVs. As a result, we unintentionally get a rare glimpse at the marine life inhabiting the deep sea. Here are a few videos of some of the weirdest creatures spotted beneath […] More

  • Hippos ‘Rescue’ Wildebeest from Crocodile

    This is the dramatic moment a group of hippopotamuses rescued a wildebeest from certain death. The wildebeest had gone down to the watering hole to get a drink when a large crocodile popped out of the water and sunk its teeth into the leg of the poor wildebeest. 72 year old pensioner Mervyn Van Wyk […] More

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