You remember that classic childhood fable, The Tortoise and the Hare, wherein the titular tortoise beats the arrogant hare through sheer willpower? Well, it happened in real life.
In the competition of the century, a lowly tortoise challenges a rabbit (not a hare) to a race. Like the fable, the race seems unfairly lopsided, and the deck appears stacked against the lumbering tortoise. But, just like in the fable, there’s a twist…
The rabbit, eager and energetic, dramatically bounds ahead in the beginning, but midway through, it pauses. Perhaps, it is distracted or bored.
Or, as reddit user call_of_the_while said, “Tortoise and hare [are] involved in [a] betting scandal.” This is probably the most likely scenario.
One way or another, through sheer willpower, the ever-plodding tortoise managed to overtake the lollygagging rabbit and win the race. Just like in the fable.
Of course, you could argue that the rabbit was trained to stop, but let’s just roll with the results and pretend nothing was rigged.
Watch the dramatic footage of the tortoise versus the rabbit in the video below.