A large tiger shark attacked a diver during a dive off the coast of Fiji. Shocking footage of the attack shows the large tiger shark biting the diver in the head.
The terrifying encounter occurred during a dive at the Cathedral Dive site at Beqa Lagoon, Beqa Lagoon Resort in Fiji. Diver Steven Sim Shyh Jye had a near-death experience when a tiger shark attacked, seemingly trying to bite his head off. Watch:
Luckily for the diver, the shark’s bites mostly landed on his tank valve. He survived the incident with only a 3-inch long (8cm) laceration on his head. It could have gone a LOT worse for him.
The diver posted videos of his encounter to YouTube. He said that he never thought it would happen to him. “Happen so fast, tiger shark just come and bite on my head,” he wrote.
Multiple divers were filming when the attack happened. Check out the attack from three different angles in the videos below:
Angle 1:
Angle 2:
Angle 3:
Watch another scary encounter with a tiger shark in the video below: