In the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean are otherworldly and sometimes nightmarish creatures that still remain a mystery even for scientists. While we’re grateful that we rarely have to cross with these animals, it’s also fascinating to get a peek at the remarkable beings that lurk below the ocean. Keep reading to see some of the strangest deep-sea creatures ever discovered.Dubbed “the world’s ugliest animal,” this sad-looking fish gets its name from its gelatinous body, which is less dense than water and allows it to float effortlessly. Blobfish (Psychrolutes marcidus) live in waters near Australia and New Zealand between 2,000-4,000 feet, where the pressure is up to 120 times higher than it is at sea level. The fish’s lack of muscles and buoyant body is perfect for that environment — it only gets its droopy look once it has been removed from the water.The frilled shark is considered to be a “living fossil” because of its resemblance to its primitive ancestors. The eel-like fish sports 6 pairs of gills that run all the way across its throat.Named after the Disney elephant, these octopuses have a pair of giant protruding fins, which they use to propel themselves upward, while their umbrella-like arms help them steer.These eerie creatures are part of an order of fish called chimaera, which have been around longer than dinosaurs. Their evolutionary line branched off from sharks 400 million years ago, placing them in their own category. Their large, creepy eyes can appear dead in water but glow when exposed to light.See those long canine-like teeth? They can crush the shells of mollusks, crabs and sea-urchins with ease. Atlantic wolffish live at depths of up to 2,000 feet off the coast of New England and can produce a natural antifreeze that keeps their blood flowing properly in freezing water.Named after their distinctive method of hunting, anglerfish have a built-in fishing rod-like appendage that dangles from their heads and emits light to lure other fish within eating range.Pucker up! These fish look as if they’re wearing bright red lipstick. They are terrible swimmers, but they can use their adapted pectoral and pelvic fins to “walk” on the seafloor. The red-lipped batfish is just one of 60 species of batfish.The first thing you’ll notice about this weird-looking animal is its massive mouth, which is much bigger than the rest of its body and can swallow things larger than itself. Gulp! Lucky for us, it typically feeds on small crustaceans.Not much is known about this strange and elusive creature. There are goblin sharks as long as 13 feet (4 meters), though they may be able to grow much larger! Apart from their noticeably long snouts, goblin sharks have protruding mouths that are outfitted with several rows of teeth that can both catch prey and crush through shellfish.Not to be confused with freshwater hatchetfish, these deep-sea creatures are named after their shape. Look closely and you’ll notice a row of luminescent organs lining its belly like a blade.These bad boys take their food seriously. They hunt by burying themselves in sand and pouncing on unsuspecting prey as they swim by.Sea pigs are a group of deep-sea echinoderms with enlarged tube feet — they use water cavities in the skin to inflate and deflate the appendages. These unusual creatures grow to approximately 6 inches in length and are generally found anywhere from 4,000 to 16,000 feet below the ocean’s surface. You can find them in the Atlantic, Pacific, and Indian oceans feeding on organic particles from deep-sea mud.