WATCH: Man Rescues Two Bald Eagles Stuck In A Death Lock After They Fall Into Pond

Meanwhile, in Alaska…

A video posted to the public Facebook group “My Home is Alaska” shows an amazing sight: a pair of eagles locked into each other, near-drowning in a pond. The eagles had been fighting in the air when one of the eagles locked his talons into the other one’s thigh, and they both fell down into the pond.

The man that posted the video, Dan Cole, said that when he saw this, he knew he needed to act fast. “I had to cut an alder branch to unlock his grip,” Cole wrote.

Bald Eagle. Photo by Andy Morffew
Andy Morffew, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This occurred at Kachemak Bay, a 40-mi-long arm of Cook Inlet in the U.S. state of Alaska.

This area is home to a plethora of biodiversity, including a thriving population of Bald Eagles.

This Eagle was understandably shaken up…

When asked what happened after the video, Cole responded that “the aggressive one flew off right away, the injured one flew off in about 15 minutes.” So it looks like we had a happy ending!


This isn’t the first time we have seen a bald eagle in the water. Watch this video of a rare sighting of a Bald Eagle swimming across a lake…