If you’ve ever watched Looney Tunes, you’re probably familiar with the epic battle between Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner, wherein the clever Roadrunner foils Wile E. Coyote’s plans in every episode.
But roadrunners, which are native to the southwest United States and Mexico, contend with more than just coyotes, and they don’t always win. Other than coyotes, many other deadly creatures share the roadrunner’s desert habitat, including rattlesnakes.

While roadrunners exceed speeds of 20 mph and serve as formidable opponents, the quick-striking, highly venomous rattlesnakes of the southwest areĀ an even match for them. Roadrunners and rattlesnakes readily prey upon each other, so in a confrontation, there’s no guarantee one or the other will win.
Watch a stand-off between a roadrunner and a diamondback:
As shown in the video below, once the roadrunner gains the upper hand, she grabs the rattlesnake’s neck and slams the snake repeatedly against the ground until it dies. Roadrunners can be fierce opponents!
Full video:
Here are a few other videos of roadrunners hunting snakes:
They’re called “roadrunners” for a reason. Watch the roadrunner attain top speed below.