Hippo Scares Off Three Lions at Watering Hole by Roaring Earth Staff July 1, 2024, 6:54 pm This breathtaking encounter between three male lions and a territorial hippo was caught on camera in in Chobe National Park, In Botswana’s harsh savannah, three thirsty male lions approach a waterhole. Shortly after having a drink, the lions noticed they weren’t the only ones there. Unbeknownst to them, a territorial hippo was lurking in the water, ready to defend its domain. The lions, realizing the hippo’s unwavering resolve, retreat from the waterhole, their tails between their legs. Photographer Jan Hrbacek captured the intense moment at the Chobe National Park in Botswana. The lions retreat as the hippo moves towards them. Hippos do not tolerate trespassers in their domain. The hippo returned to the water after the lions had been scared off. More Stories A Wild Lynx and a Cameraman Develop an Amazing Relationship [Video] Extremely Rare “Strawberry” Leopard Captured on Camera Massive Wolf Crosses the Road