Girl “Massaged” by Massive Pythons to Conquer Fear of Snakes

One way of overcoming your fear of snakes? Get a “massage” from four Burmese pythons. Don’t worry, they’re fed 10 chickens beforehand, so they won’t be hungry.

Sunshine, a 19-year-old college student got past her phobia by getting wrapped up in a 550 pound pile of slithering reptiles.

Cebu City Zoo in the Philippines offers a “snake massage” with four giant Burmese pythons, free of charge for those who dare.

Four staff watch closely as the snakes slither all over you, which is a good thing considering pythons are constrictors with the capacity for killing you at any moment.

The massage lasts 15 minutes, and we can’t imagine that this time would be all that relaxing.


Massage recipients are told that under no circumstances are you to blow on the snake or make any loud noises. Why? This creates vibrations which may lead the snake to believe that you’re prey. And we don’t want that.

Would you dare?!

(As a side note, we do not recommend visiting this zoo as it has deplorable animal welfare standards and lackluster reviews.)

WATCH NEXT: Python Eats Alligator in Florida – click here to watch.