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  • Woman Swims With Great White Shark in Epic Video

    A shark conservationist was filmed swimming with one of the ocean’s most feared predators, a great white shark. Ocean Ramsey, a Honolulu-based scientist and owner of the marine conservation website Water Inspired, said she created the video in hopes of changing minds and protecting sharks.  She has every right to do so: Humans kill an estimated […] More

  • Spider-like Jellyfish Looks Out of This World

    Scientists from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) discovered this unique new species of jellyfish in the deepest trench on the planet. NOAA researchers discovered this alien-like specimen while on a research expedition to the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. “Scientists identified this hydromedusa as belonging to the genus Crossota.” Okeanos Explorer The newly-discovered […] More

  • President Obama Names Bison As National Mammal

    Image: Wade Lehmann On May 9, President Obama signed the National Bison Legacy Act, which names the American bison as the national mammal of the United States. American bison were nearly wiped off the face of the planet by hunters in the 1800s. Thankfully for this species, a small group of ranchers gathered individuals from the […] More

  • Leopard Seal Tries To Feed Penguins To Photographer

    What would you do if a 1,000 pound leopard seal attempted to feed you dead penguins? While it sounds highly improbable, this actually happened to a National Geographic photographer while on assignment in Antarctica. Scroll down to watch… Paul Nicklen, a seasoned underwater photographer, wanted to capture seemingly vicious leopard seals in a different light. […] More

  • 70-Million Year Old Fossils Uncovered In Antarctica

    An international team of scientists has uncovered over a ton of fossils while on expedition in Antarctica, all of which are estimated to be approximately 70 million years old. The unearthed ancient marine creatures, dinosaurs, and birds thrived during the late Cretaceous Period, the last geologic period before the mass extinction event 65 million years ago. Included in the massive find […] More

  • Freaky Father Frog “Spits Out” His Young

    This male frog nurtures his tadpole young in his vocal sacs, then spits them out when they’re fully developed. Named the Darwin’s frog, this small creature is a truly fascinating amphibian. Following mating, females will lay up to 7 eggs, which the male will guard for three to four weeks. Once the embryos begin to move, […] More

  • Drought Stricken Zimbabwe To Sell Wildlife

    Image: Douglas Sprott Zimbabwe recently announced plans to sell its “excess” wild animals due to a historic drought in the region. Zimbabwe Parks and Wildlife Management Authority (Zimparks) stated, “In light of the drought that was induced by the El-Nino phenomenon, ZimParks intends to destock its parks estates selling some of the wildlife. The authority is, […] More

  • “Mummified” Baby Orangutan Abandoned In Box

    Image: International Animal Rescue A baby orangutan, now named “Gito,” was found abandoned and lifeless in a box by staff at International Animal Rescue (IAR). He was in such poor condition that rescuers initially didn’t think he would pull through. Image: International Animal Rescue IAR said on their YouTube channel, “His arms were folded corpse-like across his […] More

  • Meet the Moroccan Tree-Climbing Goats Whose Poop Powers an Industry (VIDEO)

    No, this image isn’t photoshopped. These nimble goats from Moroccan are famous for climbing native argan trees to eat the fragrant fruit that grows far out on the branches. The goats are fantastic climbers —  they spread their two toes for balance and use their dewclaws (vestigial toes found higher up on the legs) to pull […] More

  • This Fish Has a Transparent Head

    It looks like an alien, but it’s actually a deep-sea fish that thrives over half a mile below the ocean surface. The barrelfish, found mainly in the pitch black waters off of the North Pacific, is a peculiar looking fish that has adapted to a lack of light in quite a fascinating way: It evolved […] More

  • Two Bears Destined for Bear-Baiting Saved at the Last Minute

    Rescued! Two bears were successfully saved in an emergency last-minute effort after nearly a decade in cages. The previous owner of the Ukrainian brown bears “Julia” and “Zoya” is an animal trainer for the circus. When he was no longer able to care for them, he planned to sell them both to an illegal bear-baiting operation. […] More

  • Wildlife War In Africa: Three Rangers Protecting Elephants Killed By Poachers

    Three rangers that dedicated their lives to protecting the last African elephants have been killed by poachers in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Two others were injured, including the Park Manager, but are recovering. This isn’t the first time, nor will it be the last. The Chief Executive of African Parks said in a statement, […] More

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