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  • First Ever Sloth Born by C-Section

    The first ever sloth cesarean section was performed in Costa Rica in an effort to save a mother and baby after the mother fell out of a tree. Sam Trull, co-founder of Sloth Institute Costa Rica, received a call from a local hotel worker who reported that a sloth appeared to be injured after falling […] More

  • Mysterious Light Beams Appearing All Over the World

    Light pillars are mysterious vertical beams of light seen around the globe. What exactly are they? Though some have been reported as UFO sightings, light pillars are actually a naturally occurring phenomenon that are commonly explained as optical illusions. If you’ve never seen one, light pillars are beautiful beams of vertical light that extend from bright light […] More

  • Rescued 10-Pound Cub Brings Hope For Her Disappearing Species

    Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Center Meet “Wawa”, a sun bear cub that was found alone and lifeless in a Malaysian forest. It is still unclear what happened to her mother, but knowing that sun bear mothers rarely abandon their cubs, experts believe that her mother was likely poached for her body parts. Thankfully, Wawa was […] More

  • This Frog Just Went Extinct

    Image: Brian Gratwicke The last known Rabbs’ fringe-limbed tree frog has died. The species, not even discovered until 2005, is now extinct. The last of its kind, the male frog named “Toughie”,  was collected in Panama when a team of herpetologists were on an expedition to study a deadly chytrid fungus that is currently decimating amphibian populations […] More

  • Mouth-Breathing Dolphin Is the First of Its Kind

    This is one tenacious dolphin. Despite the fact that dolphin digestive and respiratory tracts are not connected, this dolphin, identified as a Hector’s dolphin, has somehow found a way to move its larynx so it can breathe in this way. Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC) explained on their website, “Dolphins do not breathe through their […] More

  • Lightning Strike Killed Over 300 Reindeer in Norway

    Over 300 wild reindeer were found dead following a lightning storm in Norway. The Norwegian Environment Agency released images to the public and reported that a total of 323 of the animals were killed during the storm, including 70 calves. A spokesperson for the agency, Kjartan Knutsen, told The Associated Press that reindeer tend to […] More

  • Mysterious Pink Blob Floating in Ocean

    What would you think if you happened upon this bizarre floating creature in the middle of the ocean? At first glance, it looks like it might be some sort of alien creature, or perhaps a previously unidentified marine animal? Aussie fisherman Mark Watkins initially thought that the blob might be an overturned boat or a […] More

  • Tiny Creature Grows Its Own Armor To Defend Itself

    Scientists have discovered a miniature crustacean, known as a water flea, that can grow its own armor to defend itself. Even better — the armor is customized for each enemy. As the Daphnia species grow and mature, they develop tail spines, neck spikes, and helmets based on the chemistry of their aquatic environments. These miniature creatures will molt once […] More

  • Rainbow Tree: Surreal Colored Trees

    Have you ever seen such a colorful tree?! Known as the rainbow eucalyptus (or Eucalyptus deglupta), this surreal tree looks something like an artist’s creation. Believe it or not, though, this coloring is a natural response to the tree’s constant growth. The beautiful and unique color patterns appear as the tree’s bark is continuously shed. […] More

  • When Lightning and Lava Collide: Rare Volcano “Dirty Thunderstorm”

    One of nature’s rarest events has been caught on film: lightning in a volcano’s plume. Termed a “dirty thunderstorm,” this is a rare weather phenomenon that only occurs in very large volcanic eruptions. Though these “thunderstorms” are not fully understood, scientists suspect that electrical charges are generated when rock fragments and ash particles collide with one […] More

  • This Underwater Forest Is Completely Surreal

    This unbelievable lake has been home to an underwater forest for over a century. How did it get there? This area didn’t use to be a lake at all, but a thriving spruce forest in the mountains of Kazahkstan. A tremendous earthquake in 1911 triggered a landslide that blocked the gorge, creating a natural dam. Eventually, rainwater […] More

  • “Garbage Patch” Larger Than Continental United States Drifting Around Pacific

    There’s a collection of trash extending from the west coast of North America all the way to Japan. It’s become known as “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch.” This “patch” of trash is a result of garbage being collected and trapped in various currents and gyres across the Pacific. This colossal patch is identified by its extremely high […] More

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