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    Bionic Wildlife: 3D Printing Technology Gives Animals A Second Chance

    Each of these animals survived horrific injuries and were left without the means to eat, drink, or walk. Thankfully, dedicated caretakers and 3D printing technology have provided them with the means to start new lives with cutting-edge prosthetics. Scroll down to check out these amazing creatures! Beauty, the bald eagle Image: Eagle/FB This beautiful bald eagle […] More

  • Men Bragging About “Surfing” Sea Turtle Dubbed “Idiots” by RSPCA

    Sometimes people make terrible decisions. Some of those people take is a step further and post them on social media. This was indeed the case for two men who bragged about “surfing” on an endangered species last week on Fraser Island. Ricky Rogers of Queensland, Australia proudly posted this image on Facebook, writing: “Surfed a […] More

  • Spiders Can Hear You Talking From Across The Room

    Arachnophobics, beware: Spiders can hear you from across the room. While it’s already well known that spiders can “hear” sounds through their leg hairs in response to vibrations, scientists had previously thought that they could only do so within several inches of those vibrations. It has now been determined, however, that spiders can detect vibrations […] More

  • Historic First: Bumble Bee Listed as Endangered in the US

    The rusty patched bumble bee was just listed as endangered — and its the first bee to acquire such a listing in the continental United States. This will bring new hope to not only this species, but systems as a whole. A senior conservation biologist for the Xerxes society said in a press release, “Addressing the […] More

  • First-Ever Dinosaur Brain Tissue Found

    Image: Jamie Hiscocks/FB What a fossil hunter nearly passed over a decade ago turned out to be a fossilized dinosaur brain. The fossil was tiny and resembled just one of many small pebbles along the British coastline, according to English amatuer fossil hunter Jamie Hiscocks. According to experts, the tissue was essentially “pickled” when the […] More

  • Incredible Wildlife Rescues Caught On Film

    Have you seen all of these? We’ve compiled some the most amazing wildlife rescues of all time, including a lioness that had been mauled by a buffalo, a sea turtle with a straw stuck up its nose, and an elephant calf that had been speared in the head by poachers. Some of these animals would […] More

  • Giant Rats Are Helping Save Pangolins From Wildlife Trafficking

      Wildlife officials in Tanzania are training African giant pouched rats to help identify illegal shipments of pangolins, a heavily trafficked endangered species.   Funded through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) as an effort to end wildlife trafficking, this program is currently assessing the rats’ ability to sniff out pangolins in various settings. […] More

  • Woman Mauled By Tiger After Leaving Car in Wildlife Park

    A woman who was mauled by a tiger after leaving her car at a wildlife park in Beijing is now suing the park, stating she was unaware of the dangers and left her vehicle only because she was carsick. After exiting her vehicle, the woman was pounced on and dragged off by a tiger in the […] More

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    10 Most Incredible Shark Encounters Caught On Film

    We’ve located the top 10 encounters with these awe-inspiring beasts from across the globe and put them all in one place! We’ll start with the biggest great white ever recorded (start slideshow to watch!): [nextpage title=”The Biggest Shark Ever Filmed”] Meet “Deep Blue,” estimated to be the biggest shark ever filmed. This 50-year-old very pregnant shark […] More

  • This Colossal 14-Pound Lobster Was Caught During a Hurricane in Bermuda

    A fishing charter crew caught a colossal 14-pound lobster off the coast of Bermuda during a hurricane. “Hurricane Nicole blew in some sea monsters,” the charter company said on their Facebook page. The company, called Sanctuary Marine Bermuda, explained that the lobster was caught by accident and the crew had to bring it on land […] More

  • These Dogs Skydive to Catch Poachers

    Image: Paramount Group Canine units in South Africa are being trained to rappel out of helicopters and parachute from airplanes. We couldn’t make this stuff up. These units are part of an elite anti-poaching team fighting against wildlife trafficking in Kruger National Park. By accessing areas by plane or helicopter, teams can rapidly reach remote spots […] More

  • Louisiana Truck Stop Owner Has A Tiger On Display In His Parking Lot

    Image: FTTT/FB This tiger has been on exhibit at a roadside truck stop for the last 16 years. The siberian tiger, named “Tony,” resides at a parking lot exhibit at the stop in Grosse Tete, Louisiana. Truck stop owner Michael Sandlin has been breeding, selling, and exhibiting tigers for over 20 years, and insists that […] More

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