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  • 6 Most Surreal Underwater Discoveries

    Despite the fact that most of the earth’s surface (71%) is covered by water, what lies beneath is still largely a mystery. Humans have explored less than 5% of the world’s oceans, which hold nearly all of the water on our planet. Yet even with our limited underwater expeditions, we have already discovered some amazing […] More

  • Unbelieveable Facts You Never Knew About Komodo Dragons

    Few creatures on Earth inspire wonder the way a Komodo dragon does. The largest lizards in the world, they can be ten feet long, and their fierce appearance and hunting skills are awe-inspiring, to say the least. They look a bit like a dragon or even a mini-dinosaur, but their looks are not the strangest thing […] More

  • Primates Living Near Farm Deformed from Pesticides

    Twenty-five percent of primates in Uganda’s Kibale National Park have a severe physical deformity of some kind, and researchers believe pesticides are to blame. Researchers working in the northern area of the park noticed that chimpanzees and baboons in the region had flattened noses, cleft lip, abnormal or absent nostrils, patchy fur, and concave faces. […] More

  • Fisherman Catches ‘Translucent’ Lobster

    This rare beauty was pulled from a lobster trap off the coast of Maine. The lobsterman, being a responsible ocean steward, threw the animal back after realizing it was an egg-producing female. The lobsterman, Alex Todd, is a 10th-generation commercial fisherman from Chebeague Island. Todd shared the picture with the Maine Coast Fishermen’s Association. They explained: “A normal […] More

  • Colossal Hurricane Irma is Registering on Earthquake Detectors

    Oh that is Not good, registering on seismograph! — Vicky (@Vsimmons3) September 6, 2017 Evidently, Hurricane Irma is so strong that it’s being detected by equipment made to measure earthquakes. Stephen Hicks, a seismologist in the United Kingdom stated to USA Today, “What we’re seeing in the seismogram are low-pitched hums that gradually become stronger […] More

  • Floods Threaten Escape of Gators from Texas Sanctuary

    Image: Twitter/@FBCSO Gator Country, a Texas alligator sanctuary that houses 350 gators, remains on high alert as floodwaters rise to the tops of containment fences. The owner, Gary Saurage, told local station KFDM on Monday, “We’re less than a foot from going over the fences. All of these are certified high fences, but look ― […] More

  • New Titanosaur Species Discovered in Tanzania

    70M year old dinosaur skeleton has been found in Tanzania! Shingopana (Swahili – wide neck) Songwensis. Glad they gave it an African name ❤️ — Ulrich J van Vuuren (@UlrichJvV) August 29, 2017 A new species of titanosaur has been unveiled in southwest Tanzania. The titanosaur, named Shingopana songwensis, existed in the Cretacious Period — some […] More

  • New “Pig-Nosed” Frog Discovered in India

    Researchers discovered an incredibly unusual frog in the mountains of India in 2017. The amphibian, which boasts shiny purple skin, a pointy “pig-nose,” and a blue ring around its eyes, was found in the Western Ghat Mountains. The new species has been named Bhupathy’s purple frog (Nasikabatrachus bhupathi) in honor of Dr. Sabrumaniam Bhupathy, a herpetologist […] More

  • Tiny Prehistoric Dolphin Had No Teeth

    Artistic rendering by Robert Boessenecker. A novel species of ancient toothless dolphin was discovered in the southern United States. The skull fossil, which was unearthed in a river near Charleston, South Carolina, contains holes indicative of enlarged lips or whiskers. In contrast to modern-day dolphins that grasp and tear prey with sharp teeth, this species would […] More

  • Bald Eagle Adopts Hawk

    A red-tailed hawk chick that was “adopted” by bald eagles has survived against the odds. The chick was initially spotted in an eagle’s nest in Sidney, British Columbia in June. Experts say that this hawk has beaten the odds; in general, hawks and eagles are considered enemies, and its chances of survival were extremely low. […] More

  • Glass Frogs Have See-Through Skin, Green Bones

    Members of the fascinating amphibian family Centrolenidae, also known as glass frogs, have skin so translucent you can see their organs right through it. Looking at these peculiar creatures from above, most appear bright green; However, if you flip them over to the reveal their bellies, you can easily see the heart, liver, and gastrointestinal […] More

  • This Creature Saves Millions Of Lives Annually (And Probably Already Saved Yours)

    This peculiar creature, the horseshoe crab, saves lives every single day (and has probably already saved yours)! Horseshoe crabs are somewha primitive-looking marine invertebrates with a tough external skeleton. They thrive in shallow ocean waters and will come to shore periodically to mate. You’ve probably seen one if you frequent the beaches of the US East Coast. Image: […] More

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