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  • These Baby Rhinos Have a Dark Past, Bright Future

    Meet Hope and Nicky, two adorable baby black rhinos who love belly rubs, mud baths, and a good scratch behind the ears. They have a pretty good life, but these rhinos have a troubled history. Hope was orphaned when poachers killed his mother. Nicky, who is blind, was rescued by rangers who feared he could […] More

  • Lioness Reunited with Cubs After Desperate Search

    This is the heartwarming moment a mother lioness found her lost cubs after they were separated by a herd of elephants. Chris Tosi (39) described the emotional sighting: “I had been watching two lionesses with 6 small cubs lazing about in the Sabie Riverbed for about half an hour. In the distance, I could see […] More

  • Hundreds of Manta Rays Leap Out of Sea Into Air

    In this video, a large group of rays performing acrobatic leaps as they breach the ocean surface. Are these mysterious rays trying to fly? Scientists are unsure as to exactly why they breach the surface like this… These flying rays, sometimes known as mobula or devil rays, are very mysterious. Closely related to sharks but […] More

  • Brave Bulldog Defends Home from Intruding Bears

    That moment when two bears are defeated… by a tiny dog. When two hungry young bears decided to wander onto the vicinity of this home, they got more than they bargained for… The fearless French Bulldog is ready for battle. Chalk one up for the real underdog! More

  • Aggressive Male Zebras Have A Horrifying Dark Side

    Black stripes aren’t the darkest part of a zebra — aggression and infanticide run rampant through the species. While zebras might appear to be one of the more innocuous mammals to roam the African plains, their social structure is rooted in violence. Zebras form harems controlled by one dominant stallion, reigning over as many as […] More

  • Predator vs. Predator: Episode 4

    In the wild, predators must eat other animals in order to survive, and they often target the young, the sick, the weak, and the defenseless. Sometimes though, even predators themselves can become prey to even more powerful and crafty predators. These “predator versus predator” interactions are among the most fascinating of all natural events. This […] More

  • 17 Ft Python in Florida: Record Breaking Giant Snake

    Three hunters caught a 17-foot, 132-pound Burmese python in the Florida Everglades in southern Miami-Dade, a record for the program aimed at curbing the proliferation of the non-native species. The Burmese python is an invasive species that is wreaking havoc on the Everglades ecosystem. The South Florida Water Management has initiated a program in which […] More

  • Snake Finds Bird’s Nest While Mother Away

    Nature can be cruel, as this robin found out when she left her eggs unattended presumably to search for food. Wildlife enthusiast Tan Nguyen had set up a GoPro to record the brilliant blue eggs hatching, but an intruder found out about the nest before that could happen! This video captures the devastating moment when a […] More

  • Mother Leopard & Cub Meet Hyenas: Stand-Off

    On Sunday 22nd October 2017, a mother leopard was sitting peacefully in a tree in Olare Masai Mara along with her playing cub. In a few minutes, 2 unwelcome predators, the Hyenas, arrive silently. Whenever hyenas see leopards in a tree they automatically assume that the leopard might have a kill hence they come to […] More

  • 4 Male Cheetahs Gang Up On Lone Female

    This amazing cheetah encounter played out in the Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park in South Africa. 4 cheetahs were not too happy to have a solo cheetah enter their territory… Ria Van Greunen told their story: “The morning started off with us searching for lions at Sistas waterhole but we had no luck. Someone stopped next to […] More

  • Wild Dogs Provoke Angry Hippo

    The amazing interaction was caught on camera by Renier Joubert. He described the sighting: We arrived at the waterhole and saw the dogs and the hippo interacting. It was almost as if they were playing with one another. There was no kill close by that we could see. On the one video you can see that the […] More

  • Elephant Confronts Rhinos

    Rhinos and elephants are both herbivores who can usually co-exist peacefully. But when resources are scarce, these two giant animals have a little less tolerance for each other in their space. Susan Boswell, a member of the nonprofit Veterans Empowered To Protect African Wildlife, captured this dramatic video of an elephant defending a small patch […] More

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