Roaring Earth Staff
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Male Lion vs. Lionesses: Fight Over a Kill
Female lions are known for doing the majority of the hunting in a pride, while male lions patrol the territory. After a kill, however, the males will assert their dominance and mark their place at the top of a well-established pecking order. Typically, the dominant male eats first. Almost immediately after the hunt is over, […] More
Lions Try to Eat a Tortoise
It is quite common for lions to attack a tortoise. This one was quite a bit bigger than their mouths, so they each took turns in trying to crack the shell but could not get through because of the thickness of the shell. Usually, it would be the younger lions that would try their luck […] More
Leopard Steals From Leopard in Epic Battle in a Tree
In this unique footage filmed at Kruger National Park we witness a struggle between two leopards over the right to devour an impala carcass. The two big cats duke it out in the treetops, pulling the impala back and forth like a game of tug-of-war. This is another typical case of an opportunistic “hit and […] More
Tarantula vs. Tarantula Hawk
Spiders are scary, right? Wasps are scary, too, right? Well, what happens when a wasp takes on a spider? And not just any spider… A tarantula! Does the tarantula win and eat the wasp? Or does the wasp win and eat the tarantula? First off, would a small wasp even take on a big tarantula? Surely, […] More
Venomous Snake Attacks Chameleon [VIDEO]
This is the moment a vicious snake came out on top in what was a heated battle with a plucky chameleon. In the footage, the determined chameleon can be seen standing its ground while the snake jabs at it frantically. The boomslang snake, however, eventually bit the flap-neck chameleon, injecting him with hemotoxin venom, which […] More
Hyenas vs. Wild Dogs: Surprise Steal
These hyenas are having a real laugh – as they prove it’s a dog eat dog world. The vicious pack stormed in to claim a catch off a group of wild dogs. A video shows the wild dogs happily feasting on a kill, when suddenly they are startled and turn to run. Two of three […] More
Snake vs. Snake: Rat Snake Combat Caught on Camera
These two rat snakes were spotted battling it out near a Beach in southwest Sri Lanka. While the reptiles’ frantic writhing could be mistaken for mating, they are actually fighting — which you can tell by the way they continuously raise their heads above each other. This technique of twisting their bodies around one other […] More
Hyenas Attack Leopard
This is the moment when an elderly male leopard finds itself alone and outnumbered by a pack of vicious hyenas. Usually, an adult male leopard could hold his own in the face of an attack… at least long enough to get away from the danger and retreat to higher ground. But the 12-year-old cat in […] More
Are Whales Forming Post-Apocalyptic Societies?
Cetaceans have some of the most complex brains on the planet, and are able to pass language and learned behaviors down from generation to generation. But what happens to their complex societies when they are hunted to near extinction? More
Lion vs. Hippo: Baby Hippo Protects Mother from Lion
Hippos have a notorious reputation as one of Africa’s fiercest animals, and this baby fighting off a lion proves that their ferocity develops early. While lions are often viewed as “the king of the jungle,” even they tend to keep their distance from fully grown and highly territorial hippos. In this video, however, a single male […] More
Surfing The World’s Biggest Wave
This is the moment when legendary American surfer Garrett McNamara conquered possibly the largest wave to have ever been surfed — measuring an estimated 100 ft high off the coast of Nazaré in Portugal in 2013. Guinness World Records will make an official determination after researching exactly how high the wave was that day, but […] More