Watch a Newborn Wildebeest Take Its First Steps

Wildbeest Takes First Steps – Londolozi TV/YouTube

Humans typically don’t walk until they’re nine months to a year old. But wildebeests don’t have that luxury. They need to be able to walk, and more importantly run, or become easy prey.

In this video from Londolozi Game Reserve, we get a glimpse of a newborn wildebeest as it learns — or at least attempts to learn — this lifesaving skill.

It struggles to get its footing. And when it finally does get onto all fours, it continues to fall backward and forwards.

Despite its valiant effort, it continues to trip over its own four feet. It’s mother has to check on it a few times and nudge it to get up.

While most people wouldn’t go out of their ways to call wildebeests cute in any way, shape or form, this calf might be able to change some opinions.

Maybe it’s because we can identify with it. Maybe because we can really root for this little guy or girl. Either way, we can learn a lot from this calf: never give up, even when you keep falling and embarassing yourself in front of all your wildebeest cousins and siblings that have already mastered the whole walking thing.

Watch the entire video: