Sharks are the ocean’s ultimate predators. Encountering one of these great beasts is terrifying as well as awe-inspiring. We have collected some of the most unbelievable videos of moments sharks and humans have crossed paths from across the globe and put them all in one place! You’re welcome.
13. Great White Breaches Cage
Prepare to hold your breath! This is the intense moment where a great white (accidently) breached the cage where a SCUBA diver was observing.
The owner of the video explained that this wasn’t an attack: “When a great white shark lunges and bites something, it is temporarily blinded. They also cannot swim backward. So this shark lunged at the bait, accidentally hit the side of the cage, was most likely confused and not able to swim backward, it thrust forward and broke the metal rail of the cage.”
Thankfully, both the human and the shark survived the incident.

12. Shark Headbutts Diver
Diver Michael Dornellas was taking in the scenery when a bull shark decided to ram him in the head.
The bull shark’s hunting technique is termed “bump and bite,” meaning that this species generally bumps its prey before actually biting it. These sharks are nearly blind, so this bumping technique helps the animals determine if they indeed want to eat what they’re about to attack. Luckily in this case, the shark decided not to bother.
11.Beachgoers Rescue Beached Great White
This is certainly something that most people don’t see on their trips to the beach. This great white apparently beached itself while trying to catch sea gulls in Cape Cod.
Harbor patrol and beachgoers decided to help it back to the ocean by attaching it to a boat and guiding it out into deeper waters. We applaud these folks for their efforts!

10.The Biggest Shark Ever Filmed
Meet “Deep Blue,” estimated to be the biggest shark ever filmed. This 50-year-old very pregnant shark measured a whopping 20 feet in length. She was filmed in 2013 by Mauricio Hoyos Padilla off of Mexico’s Guadelupe Island.
Look how massive she looks compared to the divers!
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