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  • Rescued 10-Pound Cub Brings Hope For Her Disappearing Species

    Bornean Sun Bear Conservation Center Meet “Wawa”, a sun bear cub that was found alone and lifeless in a Malaysian forest. It is still unclear what happened to her mother, but knowing that sun bear mothers rarely abandon their cubs, experts believe that her mother was likely poached for her body parts. Thankfully, Wawa was […] More

  • Shark Swimming Beneath Surfers (Aerial Footage)

    Photographers using a drone were able to capture these amazing overhead shots of a 10-ft Great White Shark swimming near a group of surfers. The surfers were oblivious to the massive Great White Shark lurking mere feet below their boards. It’s relatively common to see sharks swimming this close to beaches, especially in recent years. […] More

  • Baboon Catches Flamingo

    Baboons are extremely effective predators. A large group of unsuspecting flamingos provides the perfect opportunity for an ambush at full speed. This occurred at one of the many “soda lakes”, also known as alkaline lakes, in the Great Rift Valley area in Kenya. Baboons are Old World monkeys with long, dog-like muzzles and sharp canine […] More

  • Jaguar Attacks Caiman

    The jaguar strikes in silence! When you think of fierce river predators, we’ll bet jaguars aren’t the first animals that come to mind. But along rivers and swamps in rainforests across Central and South America, these spotted panthers rule. In this incredible sighting, a solitary jaguar takes down a caiman, a close relative of the alligator. […] More

  • Whale Crashes Into Drifting Boat

    Off the coast of Maui, this group of whalewatchers got to witness a humpback whale come way closer than they had ever hoped — and actually smash directly into their boat.  Humpbacks are a massive species of baleen whales, often measuring more than fifty feet in length and weighing up to nearly 80,000 pounds. These migratory […] More

  • Baby Jaguar Bites Caiman, Regrets It Immediately

    Nature’s lessons are often learned the hard way — especially in the case of this encounter between a baby jaguar and a young caiman crocodile.  Caiman crocodiles are some of the most ferocious predators that inhabit the Amazon jungles of South America, persisting in marshes, swamps, and other bodies of water. Black caimans are the largest of all […] More

  • Ancient 12 Foot Giant Ape: The Real Bigfoot?

    The largest primate to walk the Earth was bigger than “Big Foot”!? 12 Feet tall and over 1,200 pounds, Gigantopithecus Blacki was taller and heavier than the North American Grizzly Bear! A photo of a supposed “Big Foot” sighting was recently sent to us from a Roaring Earth fan… Clearly a hoax, this may have […] More

  • Tiger Shark Chases Diver to Surface

    This tiger shark got way too close for comfort during a dive off the coast of South Africa. The never before filmed interaction was caught on camera by our partner, adventurer Rainer Schimpf, who operates Expert Tours out of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. At first, the shark can be seen slowly circling one of the […] More

  • Bald Eagle Swims Across Lake

    Yes, Bald Eagles can swim. As we witness this Bald Eagle wading and swimming on the surface of a pond, we hear the worried conversation between the onlookers as to whether what they are witnessing is a bird of prey in distress, or just another swimmer enjoying the weather. The eagle we see here is […] More

  • Hyenas Attack Lioness: Battle in the Dark of Night

    Cecil’s former mate and adolescent cubs were filmed surrounded by 9 hyenas after making a kill. Things look grim for the lioness when the hyenas decide to attack, however Cecil’s mate escapes with only a damaged ear. Park officials report that the lioness rejoined her pride and has even since mothered a litter of cubs. […] More

  • Eagle Attacks Wild Cat

    Survival of the fittest means to kill or be killed — and on occasion the predator becomes the prey. The golden eagle is a widely distributed species of eagle that is distinguished by the golden-brown plumage on its nape. They can be found in regions throughout Eurasia, North America, and North Africa. These extremely athletic creatures easily […] More

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