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  • This Ancient Cat with “Steak-Knife Teeth” Walked Alongside Early Humans

    All sorts of strange giant predators roamed the Earth thousands of years ago during the Ice Age. But new research is changing what scientists thought they knew about one of those animals — a giant saber-toothed cat with long, serrated steak-knife teeth that may have existed alongside early modern humans. Homotherium — or the scimitar […] More

  • Ancient Bear Stood Up to 11 Feet Tall and Weighed 3,500 Pounds

    Meet the giant short-faced bear, a massive beast that roamed North and South America and dominated all sorts of other large predators until it went extinct about 11,000 years ago. View post on Standing at 6 ft tall on all fours and weighing about 2,500 pounds, the short-faced bear was the largest carnivorous predator […] More

  • Rare Footage of Snow Leopard’s Territorial Call (LISTEN!)

    Extremely rare footage of a snow leopard marking his territory and calling loudly has been shared online recently. The cat was spotted on a nature trail in the Khaplu Valley of Baltistan in the Himalayas. The extraordinary video was taken in February of this year via remote high-definition cameras set up to monitor these elusive […] More

  • Howling Meat-Eating Mouse Hunts Scorpions, Snakes and Centipedes

    On a cold, quiet night, a fierce, hairy beast roams the Sonora Desert. Its teeth are sharp and deadly, and its eyes are as dark as the night itself. Rearing up on its hind legs, the creature howls at the full moon, shattering the silence as it defends its territory. But what is this fearsome […] More

  • Zebra Escapes Grip Of Two Crocs

    Just a reminder that the animal kingdom can be a brutal place… This zebra seemed to be having a pretty bad day in Kruger National Park. As two crocs grab a hold of it, it struggles to free its leg from their grip. Not giving up, the zebra is able to escape. Unfortunately, it does […] More

  • Alligator Snapping Turtle Bites Through Pineapple

    The alligator snapping turtle is one of the heaviest turtles in the world, and it looks like a remnant of the Mesozoic Era. Named for its resemblance to alligators, this turtle is not your average pond dweller. Like other snapping turtles, it has jaws that can crunch through fish, fruit, broom handles, and even, bone. […] More

  • Giant Hammerhead Sharks Hunting Blacktip Sharks

    It’s a shark-eat-shark-world! In amazing footage shot with a drone, massive hammerhead sharks can be seen hunting a frenzy of blacktip sharks. Each year, large hammerhead sharks migrate near the beaches of Florida in search of blacktip sharks. These 6 ft long blacktip sharks are the perfect prey for the massive hammerheads, with some measuring […] More

  • World’s Most Disgusting Animal? Behold the Horsehair Worm

    Horsehair worms, often perceived as among the most unsettling creatures in the natural world, have a way of challenging even the strongest of stomachs. Yet, there’s an undeniable intrigue to them. Why do they evoke such a strong reaction? The answer lies in their larval stage, during which they inhabit the bodies of insects and […] More

  • Unprovoked Elephant Impales Buffalo in Cold Blood

    Everybody loves elephants. The biggest living land animals in the world, they are beautiful creatures that are revered worldwide. Although generally thought of as gentle animals, they are actually incredibly dangerous — which can be mostly attributed to their impressive size — although there are times when elephants can be frighteningly aggressive too. And I mean aggressive. […] More

  • Watch This Alligator Climb a Fence Like a Ninja

    This alligator shows great skill with its acrobatic fence-climbing abilities. Forget Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – this is how alligators do it! In the video below we see a large gator climbing over a fence at Naval Air Station in Jacksonville, Florida. Watch: Despite lacking the morphological adaptations for climbing trees, various crocodilians have been […] More

  • WATCH: Territorial Rhino Smashes Into Vehicle Filled with Terrified Tourists

    Rhinoceroses are archetypal African animals, and they are renowned for their size and aggression. Generally, they are indifferent to other creatures around them, but when you invade their personal space, you’d better watch out! Few animals are deadlier than an angry rhino. In fact, rhinos have been known to flip smaller animals, such as warthogs, […] More

  • Bear Attacks Moose [VIDEO]

    In incredible footage captured in Sweden, a brown bear attacks an injured moose on the side of the road. It is unclear who or what hurt the moose beforehand. Caught on camera by Mats Karlsson on his way to work, he first saw something dark on the side of the road. As he got closer, […] More

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