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  • Roadrunner vs. Rattlesnake

    If you’ve ever watched Looney Tunes, you’re probably familiar with the epic battle between Wile E. Coyote and the Roadrunner, wherein the clever Roadrunner foils Wile E. Coyote’s plans in every episode. But roadrunners, which are native to the southwest United States and Mexico, contend with more than just coyotes, and they don’t always win. […] More

  • Speared by a Marlin: Watch Predators Attack Sardine Bait Ball

    Driven up from depths of 300 feet, the school of sardines is at the mercy of a multitude of marine predators. From below, they suffer attacks from dorado and striped marlin, and from above, they suffer attacks from gannets and other diving seabirds. Watch the full video of the timeless, epic hunt of the sardines. More

  • Sea Snakes Hunt in Groups

    Sea snakes are among the most venomous snakes in the world. Yet, for the most part, they are not a threat to humans. In fact, scuba divers can often grab a handful of writing sea snakes without negative repercussions, although such actions are not recommended. However, if you’re a fish on a coral reef, and […] More

  • Hungry Polar Bear Surprises Seal

    Polar bears are rather unique among bears. Not only do they inhabit the hostile, frigid ice floes in the North Pole, but they are also adept swimmers. In the cold, arctic seas, they can swim 6 mph (10 km/hr), and in one case, a female polar bear swam continuously for 9 days in the Bering Sea, […] More

  • Wolves Greet Woman As One of Their Pack

    Wolves have been a longstanding villain in mythology and folklore. They’ve blow down pigs’ houses; they’ve eaten helpless senior citizens; and they’ve even been sons of the nefarious Norse god, Loki. Hell, they’ve even taken on Liam Neeson. When you see a wolf, you’re expected to run. So what happens when you don’t run? What happens […] More

  • These Spiders Hunt in Packs

    When you think about social animals, spiders are not exactly the first critters that come to mind. Normally, spiders are solitary creatures, and if they encounter other spiders, even members of their own species, they will resort to aggression. However, this is not true for all spiders. There are a few families of spiders that […] More

  • Adorable Little Bird Impales Prey on Thorns to Preserve the Meal for Later

    This cute little bird has a dark and deadly secret. Commonly referred to as “butcher birds,” shrikes are passerine (perching) birds found throughout portions of Eurasia and Africa. While hunting insects and small vertebrates, they often impale their prey on thorns, barbed-wire fences, and any other available sharp objects — hence, the name. While this […] More

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