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  • Prehistoric “Carolina Butcher” Croc Stood 9-Ft Tall on Hind Legs

    If you thought crocodiles were intimidating, you might be horrified to know that an aggressive, 9-ft-long crocodilian predator once patrolled its North American hunting grounds on hind legs, snacking on small mammals and reptiles. Carnufex carolinensis — also known as the “Carolina Butcher” — existed long before the dinosaurs rose to dominance, roughly 230 million years ago. The […] More

  • Wombats Are The Only Animals That Poop Cubes. Here’s How They Do It

    Wombats may have the most uniquely-shaped poo in the animal kingdom, and scientists have finally figured out why. Wombats, cousins of the koala, are the only animals to produce cube-shaped scat. They use their feces to communicate with each other through scent and mark territory by piling the pieces next to burrows or on logs […] More

  • Mammals Can’t Evolve Quickly Enough to Survive Humanity

    Human activity is killing wildlife on an unprecedented scale — and mammals will need millions of years to recover, according to a recent report. Researchers at Aarhus University in Denmark have concluded that if we don’t improve current conservation efforts, so many large mammal species will go extinct in the next 50 years that it will […] More

  • Weird 185-Million-Year-Old Creature Found With 38 Baby Skulls

    In an extremely rare find, researchers have discovered the fossil of an extinct animal—considered to be an early relative of mammals—lying next to her 38 babies. The fossils, unearthed from sediments in the Kayenta Formation, are the only known fossils of babies from a mammal precursor. The extraordinary number of offspring (more than twice the […] More

  • Rare White Bear Cub Photographed in Finland

    A photographer in Finland captured an extremely rare sight recently — a brown bear cub that was almost entirely white. Nature photographer Niilo Isotalo happened upon the cub, along with his sibling and mother, when camping in a nature reserve near the Russian border. Named Kuhmo, the reserve is known for its 600 lakes and […] More

  • Incredible Footage: 1,000+ Octopus Moms Found Brooding in Deep Sea

    Researchers recently happened upon an unprecedented sighting — more than 1,000 female octopuses huddled close together in what they describe as an “octopus garden” two miles beneath the waves in the Pacific. The team was exploring the Southeast Davidson Seamount off the coast of California with Explorer Vessel Nautilus when they came across the incredible […] More

  • VIDEO: Bears Savagely Attack Wolf at Dutch Zoo

    Visitors at a Dutch zoo got quite a shock recently as they witnessed a group of bears brutally attack and kill a wolf that shared their enclosure. In a video below captured by a horrified onlooker, four bears can be seen tearing the two-year-old female wolf in a pool of water at the Dierenrijk Zoo […] More

  • Strange “Headless Chicken Monster” Spotted in the Deep Sea

    Australian researchers recently filmed an unusual sea creature that has been described as a “headless chicken monster” in the Southern Ocean off the coast of Antarctica. Translucent and sporting fins that allowed it to swim upwards, the animal initially stumped the scientists, who described its appearance as “a chicken just before you put it in […] More

  • Giant Spider Webs Blanketed This Beach Town in Greece

    A large network of spider webs stretching over half a mile is blanketing a Greek lake and surrounding city, making it look like something out of an arachnophobe’s nightmare. Local photographer Giannis Giannakopoulos recently took to Facebook to share some amazing images of the dense webs, which house hordes of spiders and cover an alarming […] More

  • Zoo From Hell: Animals Being Kept in Horrific Conditions in Albania

    Update: The animals have been released, thanks to the incredible work of Four Paws International, a global non-profit organization that fights against animal abuse. “Together with the Albanian Ministry of Tourism, and supported by the Albanian police, we had to force our way into the zoo to finally rescue the animals,” reads a statement by the organization. “We […] More

  • All-Female Lizard Species Reproduce Without Males

    Some lady lizards don’t need no man—they reproduce all on their own. Several species of female whiptail lizards from the southwestern United States and Mexico are capable of producing viable offspring without the help of fertilization. In fact, they’re so good at it that the species consists only of females. No males are known to exist. […] More

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