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  • Great Horned Owl Attacks Peregrine Falcon Nest

    Great horned owls are merciless predators with the capability of taking down sizable prey. In this footage captured by the Explore Live Nature Cams, a great horned owl swoops in on a peregrine falcon’s nest and ambushes one of the chicks inside. The falcon is able to defend the nest, but it was a difficult […] More

  • Ghostly Phantom Jellyfish Captured in Rare Footage off California Coast

    A rarely seen ghostly, breathtakingly beautiful phantom jellyfish (Stygiomedusa gigantea) has been captured on video. Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI) documented the colossal jellyfish in an exciting and unexpected sighting off the coast of California. Scientists were steering a remotely operated vehicle (ROV) through Monterey Bay when they happened upon the awe-inspiring creature 3,200 […] More

  • Serval and Cheetah Cross Paths, Slow-motion Standoff Ensues

    A serval and a cheetah crossed paths, and a slow-motion showdown — not unlike what you might see in two housecats — ensued. Gavin Newfield and Mika Solomon were on safari at Pilanesberg Game Reserve in South Africa when they happened upon the rare sighting. The serval was strolling along the road when he caught […] More

  • Polar Bear Hunts a Reindeer

    Unbelievable footage of a polar bear chasing a reindeer into the water, dragging it ashore and eating it was captured on video in the arctic. The young female bear drowned the sizable male reindeer in the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard, which lies about halfway between Norway and the North Pole. Rare events like these are […] More

  • This Elusive Carnivore Was Misidentified for a Century

    Meet the olinguito, a tiny elusive mammal described by scientists as a cross between a teddy bear and a house cat. Olinguitos were misidentified for over a century, despite the fact that there are many specimens in museum collections and some have even resided at zoos. It wasn’t until 2013 that a team researching its […] More

  • Male Turkey Recorded Admiring His Own Reflection for Hours

    Male turkeys are really into themselves, apparently. One particularly confident turkey was captured on video in New Jersey obsessively circling a car, admiring himself in the shiny exterior for hours. A Mount Laurel resident noticed the wayward turkey strutting around her son’s new Honda Civic, apparently quite lovestruck with the vehicle — er, his own […] More

  • We Once Tried to Import Hippos to America… For Food

    Believe it or not, Americans once considered importing hippos from Africa so we could raise them for meat. The idea was proposed back in 1910, while the United States was in the middle of a serious meat shortage. A massive population explosion combined with overgrazed farmland resulted in skyrocketing beef prices as farmers scrambled to […] More

  • manatees

    Pollution Wipes Out 10% Of Florida’s Manatee Population in 5 Months

    Florida’s manatees are having a rough year — 761 of them died in just one lagoon in the first 5 months of 2021. That’s 10% of the state’s population. The sunshine state’s iconic West Indian manatees have been starving to death because their main food source, seagrass, is unable to grow in the some of […] More

  • Sharks Hunt in Shifts to Avoid Each Other, Share Resources

    Sharks, in turns out, are the kings of coexistence. Scientists have just discovered that the animals conserve resources and avoid one another by voluntarily hunting in shifts. The research out of Murdoch University’s Harry Butler Institute is the first example of marine predators dividing up resources in a shared foraging area. Drs. Karissa Lear and […] More

  • Tortoise Considered Extinct for 100+ Years Discovered in Galápagos

    Researchers have just discovered a Fernandina giant tortoise — a species believed to have gone extinct over a century ago. Found alive and well on the Galápagos Islands, the single female represents Chelonoidis phantasticus, a species that hasn’t been observed since 1906. A team of scientists from the California Academy of Sciences located the tortoise on […] More

  • Tenacious Mother Octopus Rolls Her Eggs to Safety in Extraordinary Video

    A marine biologist in Australia recently captured incredible cephalopod video footage — an octopus rolling a plastic pipe containing its eggs back into the ocean after it had washed ashore. Sheree Marris was walking along a beach in Melbourne when she happened upon a discarded plastic pipe. Picking it up to examine it, she noticed […] More

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