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  • These Hilarious Animal Gifs Will Make Your Day

    Animals are hilarious, and we have the GIFs to prove it. “I’ll be needing this.” We’re not sure if he’s scratching his back or trying to move the tire with his mind. No comment necessary. Dachshund versus crab: Almost… I will have the coconut. Role reversal #themeowlife #cats #chase #kittens #chipmunks #funnyanimals — meowbox […] More

  • Elephant Calf Swept Down River, Rescued by Herd

    A heroic elephant swooped in to rescue a calf that lost its footing and was being pulled down the river. A herd of elephants was crossing a rain-swollen river in Ol Pajeta Conservancy in Kenya when the calf was swept away. Uploader Sandy Gelderman said, “It had been raining, so the river was flowing fast. Our […] More

  • Could Warmer Temperatures Make Predators Fiercer?

    Predators will start becoming even fiercer as global temperatures rise, says a study that looked at how warmer conditions could affect diversity and competition between species. According to a paper published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, warmer temperatures could cause ravenous animals to wipe out smaller prey, upsetting the delicate ecological balance of […] More

  • Japanese macaques

    Japanese macaque mother and baby interact at the Jigokudani Monkey Park in Yamanouchi, Shimotakai District, Nagano. More

  • Lionesses Grow Manes, Start Acting Like Males

    Lion researchers in Botswana have happened upon quite a spectacular group of lions. Five lionesses in the region have grown manes and are exhibiting very male-like behavior, such as mounting other females, marking territory, and roaring. While females do sometimes roar, these particular individuals are roaring on a regular basis which is something that the […] More

  • If You Love Animals, You’ll Never Visit These Attractions

    In 2016, World Animal Protection came out with a list of the 10 cruelest wildlife attractions. It came as a shock to those of us that weren’t aware of what was going on behind the scenes; after all, we visit wildlife attractions because we love animals so much. The problem is, it’s hard to tell […] More

  • Why Is This Australian Lake Pink?

    This is not your average lake. Lake Hillier, a pink (salty!) lake on the coast of Western Australia, is still a bit of mystery to science. The reason for the unique coloring of the water is still not fully understood by experts, but most believe that the water gets its hue from the presence of a certain type […] More

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    Animal Look-Alikes: Can You Tell Which Is Which?

    There are a lot of species in the animal kingdom that could pass for twins. While it’s not always a big deal to know which is which, in this first case, knowing could save your life! Check out our favorite and most shocking animal look-alikes on the next page… [nextpage title=””] Coral Snake vs. Scarlet […] More

  • China Reports Largest-Ever Trafficking Bust of Pangolin Scales

    5,000 to 7,500 pangolins must have been killed to produce the amount of scales seized this month in Shanghai. — NPR (@NPR) December 28, 2016 Chinese customs just discovered a colossal illegal shipment of pangolin scales. Three people were caught in the bust, which consisted of 101 bags of scales weighing in at an […] More

  • Cheetahs Headed Toward Extinction, Humans to Blame

    A recent report just revealed that there are only 7,100 cheetahs left on the planet. The study, which was published in PNAS, states that world’s fastest mammal is headed towards in extinction mainly due to human conflict and the fact that their range extends well outside protected areas. In fact, 77% of the cheetah’s habitat falls […] More

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