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  • 700,000+ “River of Warblers” Spotted in Epic Migration Flight

    Birders in Quebec got the thrill of their lives this year, witnessing more than a half million migrating warblers in only 9 hours. Ian Davies, an avid birder of 14 years, had traveled to 35 countries in search of all things feathered, but says this was “the greatest birding day of [his] life.” Davies and […] More

  • Female Bonobos Act as Midwives for Each Other

    Humans aren’t the only ones with midwives, it seems. Captive female bonobos have recently been observed assisting one another during birth, comforting the mother until the baby arrives. A research team from the University of Pisa and Unversité Claude Bernard Lyon witnessed the behavior at wildlife parks in the Netherlands and France on multiple occasions, and […] More

  • A Sting From This Tiny Jellyfish Will Make You Beg for Death

    The sting of this tiny jellyfish is so horrific, you might just ask your doctor to kill you. But that didn’t stop Jeremy Wade of the popular show River Monsters from trying to catch one by hand. Watch: Irukandji jellyfish is a blanket term for several of the most venomous box jellyfish species on the […] More

  • Giant Prehistoric Insects From New Zealand Outweigh Mice

    Believe it or not, there are insects here on earth that outweigh the average small rodent. Giant wetas (from the genus Deinacrida) are colossal cricket-like creatures that have roamed the planet since before the dinosaurs. Native to New Zealand, these unique insects resemble something of an over-sized horned grasshopper with enlarged hind legs. They’re not the […] More

  • New Bird-of-Paradise Species Identified By Sad Face and Sleek Dance Moves

    Superb Bird-of-Paradise males are known for their ostentatious displays and mating dances.  A bird-of-paradise species was identified just last year by its smooth dance moves on the undisturbed island of New Guinea. The species, dubbed the Vogelkop Superb Bird-of-Paradise, looks almost identical to its now famous dancing “smiley face” cousin, the Greater Superb Bird-of-Paradise – […] More

  • Two-Headed Fawn Discovered in a Forest Is First of Its Kind

    ­ A Minnesota mushroom hunter happened upon quite a rare find: a stillborn two-headed fawn. This is a first — before this, the only known case of conjoined fawns had been observed in utero (inside the mother’s womb). “It’s amazing and extremely rare,” University of Georgia scientist Gino D’Angelo said in a statement. “We can’t […] More

  • Male Brown Widows Prefer Sexual Partners That Are More Likely to Cannibalize Them

    Male brown widow spiders seem to have a death wish: they prefer mating partners that are more likely to cannibalize them, an unusual study recently revealed. When given the choice, males gravitate towards older, less fertile females who are 50 percent more likely than younger females to eat them after mating. What’s even more baffling […] More

  • These 60-Foot Arctic Whales Belt Out Jazz-Like Tunes (Listen!)

    Bowhead whales may be the most versatile and creative singers in the sea, according to a recent study. Researchers out of the University of Washington recorded vocalizations of the 60-foot arctic behemoths over a span of four years, revealing a repertoire of more than 180 completely unique songs. Until now, it was assumed that bowheads […] More

  • The Mystery Of Antarctica’s Unusual “Blood Falls” Explained

    At first glance, it looks like there was some sort of horrendous massacre on this glacier. Fear not, this aptly-named “Blood Falls” is actually an outflow of saltwater tainted with iron oxide. The salt water is mixed with the iron from the bedrock below, and tiny fissures in the glaciers sporadically spout this iron-rich water, leaving […] More

  • Wildlife Traffickers Smuggling Millions of Donkey Skins into China

    Millions of donkeys across the world are being killed to fuel the demand for a traditional remedy in China. The donkey skin remedy, named ejiao, is produced by boiling down the skin to obtain gelatin, which many of its buyers believe can treat blood conditions and promote general health. When not used to remedy blood disorders, […] More

  • Conservationist Says Trophy Hunting Ban Actually Hurts Lions

    The controversial practice of hunting and killing animals for sport has long outraged conservationists and animal lovers. But a ban on commercial hunting may do more harm than good, says one activist. Speaking at a TEDx Copenhagen event, conservationist Mikkel Legerth who co-created the Modisa Wildlife Project in Botswana, claimed that the country’s ban on […] More

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