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  • When the Tables Turn: That Time Lions Turned Poachers Into a Meal

    In a bit of poetic justice, a group of suspected rhino poachers who snuck into the Sibuya Game Reserve in South Africa became an unlikely meal for a pride of lions. A guide at the game reserve discovered human remains strewn across a thickly vegetated area near the lions last week. Due to the condition of […] More

  • Some Spiders Can “Fly” Over the Ocean

    We hate to break it to you arachnophobes, but some species of spider can fly. Not with wings, of course (that would be weird). Instead, the tiny arachnids take to the air using a genius technique called ballooning. How does it work? First, to prepare for lift-off, the spiders anchor themselves to a structure for […] More

  • These Strange Monkeys Have a Sneezing Fit Whenever It Rains

    Some good news: Critically endangered Snub-Nosed #Monkeys are saved from brink of extinction! “When there is a will, there is a way”! #Myanmar @Clean_Malaysia — IPBES (@IPBES) January 23, 2018 Things may be looking up for a critically endangered primate species discovered less than a decade ago. According to a report from Fauna […] More

  • “Radioactive” Wolves Are Venturing Outside the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone

    Gray wolves that live in the Chernobyl disaster site are beginning to roam out into surrounding areas — raising concerns that they could spread mutated genes to other populations. In 1986, the infamous nuclear explosion at Ukraine’s Chernobyl nuclear power plant reportedly released 400 times more radioactive fallout than the Hiroshima bomb. Because authorities could […] More

  • One of Only Two Remaining US Jaguars Has Been Killed and Skinned

    One of only two known wild jaguars existing in the United States has been killed, according to wildlife officials. Scientists believe that a young male jaguar named Yo’oko, who had been spotted roaming Arizona’s Huachuca Mountains in previous years, was recently shot and skinned — although the details of the incident are still unclear. Because jaguars have […] More

  • Eels Are Getting High on Cocaine from Drug-Polluted Rivers

    Trace amounts of drugs in our waterways, including cocaine, can have detrimental effects on aquatic animals, a recent study warns. What many may not consider when taking drugs — prescription or otherwise — is that those drugs are eventually excreted and sent out into our waterways where they accumulate. Now, new research proves just how […] More

  • This Invasive Toxic Plant Can Burn Your Skin and Cause Blindness

    A horrifying invasive plant is creeping across the United States, and you’ll want to keep your distance. Growing up to 14 feet tall with umbrella-shaped clusters of white flowers spanning up to 2.5 feet across, giant hogweed (yes, that’s really the name) is known for its striking appearance. That, and the fact that it leaves painful blisters […] More

  • South Africa’s Plan to Save World’s Most Trafficked Animal

    This unusual, armadillo-like creature is the most trafficked animal on the planet — even more than rhinos and elephants — and now South Africans are trying to save it. Two conservation organizations recently announced plans to build a “pangalorium,” a pangolin refuge in Johannesburg that will help care for African pangolins seized by customs officers until […] More

  • Mind-Controlling Parasitic Wasps Turn Caterpillars Into Bodyguards

    Like something out of a horror movie, parasitic Glyptapanteles wasp larvae survive by consuming their hosts from the inside out, then manipulating them into serving as bodyguards. The process is grisly: first, the female wasp begins by injecting approximately 80 eggs into an unlucky caterpillar victim. The eggs develop inside the creature, going through several molts and […] More

  • These Spiders Hunt Fish Underwater

    Researchers have identified 23 new species of semi-aquatic spiders lurking near Australia’s streams and rivers. Queensland Museum arachnologist Dr. Robert Raven, who led the research, described the spiders as being capable of running on water, diving, and swimming — some even remaining underwater for up to an hour to hunt. “I found a spider that hunts […] More

  • Rivers of Hippo Poop Killing Off Fish in East Africa

    Excrement from hordes of bathing hippos is causing water oxygen levels to plummet, suffocating massive quantities of unlucky fish in Africa’s Mara River. What a horrible way to go! Because humans are generally to blame for hypoxic (low oxygen) conditions in water bodies, Yale researchers initially believed that pesticides from nearby farms were the cause […] More

  • 700,000+ “River of Warblers” Spotted in Epic Migration Flight

    Birders in Quebec got the thrill of their lives this year, witnessing more than a half million migrating warblers in only 9 hours. Ian Davies, an avid birder of 14 years, had traveled to 35 countries in search of all things feathered, but says this was “the greatest birding day of [his] life.” Davies and […] More

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