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  • These Spiders Pretend to Be Ants to Avoid Being Eaten

    New research reveals how a certain group of jumping spiders mimic ants to avoid being eaten. Small spiders are generally a much easier meal for predators than an army of aggressive ants armed with strong jaws, painful stings and their formic acid defense mechanisms. Spiders, despite their reputation, are actually quite vulnerable to predators — their […] More

  • 87 Elephants Killed in Africa’s Largest Ever Poaching Incident

    In the last few months, poachers have killed 87 elephants for their tusks near a wildlife sanctuary in Botswana. Scientists say this is the largest elephant slaughter ever recorded in Africa. The nonprofit group Elephants Without Borders spotted the bodies with tusks missing near Okavango Delta, a UNESCO World Heritage region, while conducting aerial surveys […] More

  • These Birds Have Massive Feet and Some Very Unusual Mating Habits

    Jacanas or “Jesus birds” are known around the world for their enormous feet and claws, which they use to effortlessly saunter across floating vegetation. Their long, thin toes spread weight evenly over a large area, which allows them to traipse along lily pads and other floating plants in search of fish, mollusks, crabs, and insects. […] More

  • Resurrecting Extinct Giant Flightless Birds of New Zealand

    Large flightless birds that once thrived in the forests of New Zealand may be one step closer to resurrection. Cousins to the ostrich and emu, moa were once New Zealand’s dominant herbivores, roaming the forests to feed on twigs and other plant material. Unlike other flightless birds, they are the only completely wingless birds known to have […] More

  • Horrific Parasite Replaces Fish Tongues with Their Own Bodies

    Just when you think you’ve heard it all, you find out there’s a parasite that eats the tongues of fish before setting up shop inside their mouths. The tongue-eating louse, or Cymothoa exigua, is a tiny crustacean that survives by severing the tongues of fish, then attaching itself to the leftover stub — essentially becoming the […] More

  • Tons of Plastic Trash With Nowhere to Go Will Soon Take Over the US

    China’s recent ban on plastic imports could create a massive trash disposal problem for the rest of the world — creating a massive pile-up of tons of plastic with nowhere to go. For the last 26 years, China has been importing recycled scraps generated by wealthy Western countries like the United States and turning that trash into new […] More

  • These Wasps Have One Job: Capturing and Killing Cicadas

    You’re probably heard of cicadas, the buzzing swarms of noisy insects that emerge each summer. But what about their predators, the cicada killers—colossal digging wasps with sizable jaws and an appetite solely for cicadas? With a name like “cicada killer,” you might suspect that these insects would be particularly brutal, and you’d be right. The […] More

  • Giant Spider Dines on the Heaviest Insects on Earth

    Want to meet a spider so large it eats the heaviest insects on earth for breakfast? Head to New Zealand. The Rangatira spider (Dolomedes schauinslandi) is a colossal arachnid found only on three relatively undisturbed islands of New Zealand – and it eats giant wētā for dinner. It’s a whopper and it eats wētā. The […] More

  • Lemurs Can Literally Smell Weakness In Each Other

    Sizing up competitors can often be a bit of a gamble for many species, but lemurs can instantly sniff out weakness in their counterparts. A decade-long research project at Duke University recently revealed that the endangered primates native to Madagascar can identify each other’s weaknesses just by the scent they leave behind. That’s bad news […] More

  • This Deadly Incurable Disease Causes “Zombie-Like” Behavior in Animals

    Twenty-six raccoons in Manhattan’s Central Park have died last summer from a highly contagious viral outbreak that causes so-called “zombie-like” behaviors. Just to be clear, the raccoons weren’t actually coming back to life and feasting on each other’s brains. However, infected raccoons around the park exhibited symptoms like circling, aimless wandering, and spasms. Many of them also […] More

  • Animals Are Adopting a Nocturnal Lifestyle in Order to Avoid Human Contact

    Humans aren’t the best neighbors. In fact, we’re so annoying that animals are turning to a nocturnal existence in order to avoid human interaction. A recent study published in Science found that naturally diurnal animals that live near urban areas are becoming nocturnal in order to avoid frightening encounters with people. And the phenomenon is playing […] More

  • Wasp with Terrifying Giant Stinger Discovered

    A new species of parasitoid wasp has been discovered in the Amazon with an insanely huge stinger that scientists describe as a “fierce weapon.” A team from the University of Turku in Finland identified the terrifying wasp while studying samples collected in a biologically diverse region between the Andes and the Amazonian lowland forest. They described […] More

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