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  • Buffalo Catapults Attacking Lion To Save Calf

    We’re so used to seeing lions and lionesses as the kings and queens of the jungle that we forget there are formidable opponents around every corner. In this dramatic footage, we witness a lion attempt to take down a young African buffalo. But the lioness didn’t seem to count on the calf’s mother to step […] More

  • Grizzly Bear Cubs Hitch a Ride

    When these two curious Grizzly Bear cubs find themselves lost in the Russian woods, they decide to try to hitch a ride from truckers passing by. But nobody seems to want to give these little guys a ride! Where was mom? That’s the only ride they should be looking for… View post on More

  • Crocodile Attacks Elephant at Watering Hole

    This elephant encounters a dangerous predator at a watering hole — and almost loses her trunk. The African elephant is the world’s largest living land mammal, standing at up to 13ft in height and often weighing more than 13,000 pounds. These gentle giants inhabit many different ranges throughout Sub-Saharan Africa including woodlands, forests, and deserts. African elephants live […] More

  • Wild Dogs vs. Impala vs. Hippo

    Sometimes in the battle of predator versus prey, no one wins. That was the case when a pack of at least nine African wild dogs chased an impala into a lake in South Africa’s Greater Kruger National Park. Every time the impala attempts to swim to shore, the dogs come charging forward. Terrified, the small […] More

  • Bobcat vs. Rattlesnake

    Meanwhile in Arizona… This is the moment a bobcat was spotted swatting at a rattlesnake, much to the surprise of local residents. The video filmed by Laura Lucky shows the bobcat strike at the snake. Watch the action in the video above. Check out another bobcat-vs-rattlesnake sighting in the clip below: via Gfycat More

  • Angry Hippo Chases Boat [VIDEO]

    An enormous territorial hippo blasts through the water like a torpedo. Don’t be fooled by their girth — hippos are speedy creatures, especially in the water. Case in point: This hippo, who lives on Botswana’s Chobe River and had no qualms about charging a safari boat that ventured a little too close to its territory. […] More

  • Whale Breaches Over 100 Times — World Record

    This incredible humpback whale performed over 100 breaches over the span of 90 minutes — setting a new world record for the breaching frequency observed in cetaceans.  Rainer Schimpf, expedition leader and boat captain, captured this amazing footage while on tour off the coast of South Africa. According to Rainer, he had “been out all morning […] More

  • Lion Sneaks Up On Hippo, Regrets It Immediately

    This lioness got the surprise of her life when she disturbed a resting hippo. Likely interested in a meal as she roamed the Maasai Mara, the lioness approached the hippo to investigate. But the colossal animal gave the big cat quite a scare when it immediately turned around and began chasing after her. Hippos are […] More

  • Battle Between Leopard & Wildebeest Mother Over Calf

    Unbelievable video of a leopard trying to take down a wildebeest calf while the mom puts up a huge fight! Another reminder that the animal kingdom can be a wild and dangerous place… In the once-in-a-lifetime footage filmed near Satara in Kruger National Park and recorded by a young, 12-year-old visitor, a wildebeest mother and […] More

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