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  • Python vs. King Cobra: Battle in the Street

    A King Cobra, the world’s largest venomous snake, slithers along a Singapore street, looking for a bite to eat. This cobra is about three and a half meters long, and a snake eater. Preys on almost nothing else. Its generic name, Ophiophagus, means snake eater. But when it comes across a reticulated python, outside Nanyang […] More

  • Giant Python Tries to Swallow Dog

    Snakes strike fear into may people’s hearts, but this one might just push you over the edge. In this grisly instance, a massive python regurgitates what appears to be a dog. Yeesh! The huge snake had likely swallowed more than it could handle and had no choice but to empty its stomach contents. Now, to […] More

  • Baby Jaguar Bites Caiman, Regrets It Immediately

    Nature’s lessons are often learned the hard way — especially in the case of this encounter between a baby jaguar and a young caiman crocodile.  Caiman crocodiles are some of the most ferocious predators that inhabit the Amazon jungles of South America, persisting in marshes, swamps, and other bodies of water. Black caimans are the largest of all […] More

  • Ancient 12 Foot Giant Ape: The Real Bigfoot?

    The largest primate to walk the Earth was bigger than “Big Foot”!? 12 Feet tall and over 1,200 pounds, Gigantopithecus Blacki was taller and heavier than the North American Grizzly Bear! A photo of a supposed “Big Foot” sighting was recently sent to us from a Roaring Earth fan… Clearly a hoax, this may have […] More

  • Tiger Shark Chases Diver to Surface

    This tiger shark got way too close for comfort during a dive off the coast of South Africa. The never before filmed interaction was caught on camera by our partner, adventurer Rainer Schimpf, who operates Expert Tours out of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. At first, the shark can be seen slowly circling one of the […] More

  • Bald Eagle Swims Across Lake

    Yes, Bald Eagles can swim. As we witness this Bald Eagle wading and swimming on the surface of a pond, we hear the worried conversation between the onlookers as to whether what they are witnessing is a bird of prey in distress, or just another swimmer enjoying the weather. The eagle we see here is […] More

  • Hyenas Attack Lioness: Battle in the Dark of Night

    Cecil’s former mate and adolescent cubs were filmed surrounded by 9 hyenas after making a kill. Things look grim for the lioness when the hyenas decide to attack, however Cecil’s mate escapes with only a damaged ear. Park officials report that the lioness rejoined her pride and has even since mothered a litter of cubs. […] More

  • Eagle Attacks Wild Cat

    Survival of the fittest means to kill or be killed — and on occasion the predator becomes the prey. The golden eagle is a widely distributed species of eagle that is distinguished by the golden-brown plumage on its nape. They can be found in regions throughout Eurasia, North America, and North Africa. These extremely athletic creatures easily […] More

  • Diving with Great White Sharks [360° VR]

    The Great White Shark is one of the most infamous and mysterious predators on the planet. See Great Whites closer than ever before with our 360° 3D Virtual Reality adventure in CGI! Dive with the world’s leading marine scientists and take on the role of research assistant with no diving experience needed. Your mission is […] More

  • Cobra vs. Meerkats

    In the Kahalari Desert, a cobra’s presence near a colony of meerkats causes the whole gang to jump into action and defend their turf. Although this cobra could easily kill one of these mammals, the meerkats show great courage. These petite members of the mongoose family fearlessly resist the attacks of the cobra, and even […] More

  • This Octopus Kills Every Shark That Comes Into its Aquarium (VIDEO)

    This octopus isn’t messing around. The incredible footage below shows a giant Pacific octopus successfully attacking and killing an unsuspecting spiny dogfish shark. Octopuses are generally prey to these sharks, but this octopus wasn’t having any of that. The murderous cephalopod had been sharing an aquarium with several dogfish sharks until staff kept finding the […] More

  • Cat vs. Hawk – Intense Standoff

    This hungry hawk appears to be chewing on its latest kill on a suburban front lawn when a house cat on the prowl takes notice. A large bird of prey like this one could easily take out a cat this size — and often do. However, a cat like this is probably no stranger to […] More

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