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  • Lions Once Roamed America

    It’s easy to picture a lion in its natural habitat, stalking antelope on the African savannah. But during the Pleistocene epoch (340,000 to 11,000 years ago), lions called a much more familiar landscape home. The grassy plains, cornfields and mountainous regions of the USA were once the terrain of the American lion, a long-extinct predator […] More

  • Cheetahs vs. African Wild Dogs

    A group of safari goers captured this epic showdown between a couple of cheetahs and a pack of African wild dogs in South Africa’s Pilanesberg National Park. The cheetahs had been nursing a fresh wildebeest kill when the wild dogs approached. At first, the cats managed to keep them at bay, but the wild dogs’ […] More

  • Predator vs. Predator: Episode II

    In the wild, predators must eat other animals in order to survive, and they often target the young, the sick, the weak, and the defenseless. Sometimes though, even predators themselves can become prey to even more powerful and crafty predators. These “predator versus predator” interactions are among the most fascinating of all natural events. This […] More

  • Great White Shark Attacks Inflatable Boat

    In this exciting encounter, an inflatable rubber boat becomes the target of a hungry great white shark. The attack took place off the coast of Mossel Bay in South Africa during a sardine run near Seal Island with South African Tour Operator Rainer Schimpf. Great white sharks are the world’s largest known macropredatory fish, growing up to twenty feet in […] More

  • Strongest Animals On Earth

    From insects that can lift many times their body weight, massive mauling mammals, hoofed creatures that haul thousands of pounds, and bone-crunching biting big cats, there are amazingly strong beasts in every realm of the animal kingdom. Take a look at some of the most terrifyingly tough animals on the planet… Want more? Click here to […] More

  • Leopard vs. Bird: Miraculous Escape

    A heroic bird has made a miraculous escape after a hungry leopard leapt into the air to capture it. Incredible footage has emerged of the cunning leopard hiding in the grass before jumping high into the air and attempting to pluck an unsuspecting stork from the sky. The quick-thinking bird manages to escape the cat’s […] More

  • Roaring Elephants Protect Calf from Wild Dogs

    Turn up your volume! Although considered gentle giants, elephants will go to great lengths to protect their calves. Just LISTEN to the power of the elephants’ ROAR in the face of danger. In this video, a pack of more than fourteen African Wild Dogs attempt to corner a small herd of elephants trailing a young […] More

  • Lions on the Doorstep

    This is the moment an entire family of lions surprised everyone at Mfuwe Lodge in South Luangwa National Park, Zambia recently. With its enviable location inside the South Luangwa National Park, Mfuwe Lodge is regularly visited by a variety of animals. From time to time, usually at the hottest time of year, even the local […] More

  • Hyenas Steal Wild Dog Kill in Epic Battle

    In this amazing footage we witness apex predators at peak performance. Warning: nature as it really is. At first, the pack of wild dogs forced the antelope, a lechwe, in to the water. As the dogs closed in, the lechwe fought back, attempting to impale the dogs with its horns. But everything changed when the […] More

  • Lions vs. Cars

    This video shows two heart-stopping moments when a large male lion got curious around a car full of people. The first clip reveals the moment a ferocious lion tried to topple a safari car in an Indian wildlife park. A gripping video shows two lions attacking the car in which a group of tourists was […] More

  • Giant Catfish Eat Pigeons

    Although all animals have predators, pigeons encounter more than most. Falcons, cats, turtles, and pelicans are just a few of the hungry critters that eat them. But pigeons face treachery from an even more sinister and unlikely foe: Deep beneath the dark waters of ponds, lakes, and rivers in Europe, a creature with an insatiable […] More

  • Crocodile Attacks Lion in River

    Although supreme on land, lions sometimes find themselves outside their comfort zone when forced into crossing rivers, especially during the rainy season. This is when the king of the jungle must go on defense. The video above shows what happened in one such instance. In this rare footage, we witness a young male lion crossing the […] More

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